Universal MODster
I was planning on waiting to pick up Soul Eater on Blu when they hit, but I just got back from walmart and Im not sure if it was a mistake or what...but I just picked up season 1 of Soul Eater for $10 bucks. I havent had a chance to check it out yet and cant seem to figure out why it was only 10 bucks...I almost think somethings wrong with it. Anyone know anything about this.
On the website they have a dvd version for $12. are you sure its a Blu-ray? If so, I'll pick up one today if they have it instock.
No its not blu, what I was saying was, I wanted to wait until they released it on Blu to get the series I strolled thru the walmart and found season one and out of curiosity i wanted to see how much it was and blam the guy tells me $10 bucks so I bought it. I mean for 10 dollars i couldnt pass it up.
I'm liking soul eater
Actually, those are half season sets and parts 1 & 2 make up season 1, and parts 3 & 4 make up season 2. And at $10, you got a steal!!! If Wal-Mart no longer has them for anyone looking, they just went on sale at RightStuf for their 12 Days of Christmas sale at $20.99 each, or $79.99 for all four.
I just watched the first episode of Eden of the East and it's good. There are a ton of new anime out there that I cant keep up - which is a good thing of course.Another new one that seems to have potential is Sekirei.
Sekirei was very good... I watched it in one Friday night! Can't wait for FUNi to release season 2! Sekirei sold out at the distributor level in just over a week after release, but several retailers still have it available, and the second pressing is already underway.