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Thinking about maybe changed the tentacles to green rather than pink........we will see. :lol I'll post pics when it's done. :D
Here it is - (still not quite done but the tentacles are now green). I like it better. :D



That looks great Jen!!! Tiki Hellbaby is a nice addition :rock

BTW, I posted some collection pics the other day: :cool:

Thanks. :)

I LOVE your collection - I've been tempted to get the Lobster Johnson - it's such a cool looking statue - and that one piece you've got (I think it's a custom) that's just right of the Electric Tiki Hellboy - that one is just beautiful.
You definitely have a collection that makes me jealous! :lol :rock
Very nice Jen :rock

Thank you. :)

fantastic repaint!!! have you done any other repaints? If not, you should, you have talent.

This was my first repaint. I had played around a bit trying to customize a Willow figure into a zombie about 1 1/2 years ago...but this was my first big project and first statue repaint. I really had such a fun time doing it....trying out different colors and seeing what worked and what didn't. I really think a lot of it was luck. :lol And it was a lot of layering of different shades with a fairly dry brush. Always figured if it didn't work out I could just get a damp cloth and take the paint off since I just used acrylics...but it turned out better than I now I want to find something else to repaint. :lol

Excellent work Jen! You should be very proud of it... looks great :rock

Thank you GB! :rock :rock

And thanks to the ebay tip from Mack - I've got a Lobster Johnson on the way. :woo
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Jen, that paint up looks amazing! Did you strip the blue paint first or paint over it?

I might have to send you mine to do the same.... ;)
Am I the only one that thinks the PF is a bit... dodgy? Like the fist is too small, as is the mantle, the sleeves too tight, one too few straps on the right sleeve, missing the belt locator, etc.
Am I the only one that thinks the PF is a bit... dodgy? Like the fist is too small, as is the mantle, the sleeves too tight, one too few straps on the right sleeve, missing the belt locator, etc.

I've noticed the inaccuracies, too. I haven't bought one just because of my budget constraints, though. Even with those problems I still think it's a great piece and IMO superior to the first PF.
I can't see how they managed to enturely miss one of the buckles on the sleeve. It just seems sloppy to an extreme to get something so obvious wrong.
dont know if Id call that obvious.
Might be to someone who sculpts or does customizing or something, but I wouldnt have noticed if it wasnt pointed out and its not a problem to me at all.
Whether it's obvious to the casual observer or not, I would think that if you were setting out to make something like this you'd want to get the details right. To me the undersized RHOD is the thing that kind of ruins it for me, though.
Yeah, you'd hope the people making expensive ass high end collectables would be a little more observent than most people about the product they're making.
This was my first repaint. I had played around a bit trying to customize a Willow figure into a zombie about 1 1/2 years ago...but this was my first big project and first statue repaint. I really had such a fun time doing it....trying out different colors and seeing what worked and what didn't. I really think a lot of it was luck. :lol And it was a lot of layering of different shades with a fairly dry brush. Always figured if it didn't work out I could just get a damp cloth and take the paint off since I just used acrylics...but it turned out better than I now I want to find something else to repaint. :lol

Can you give a breakdown of all the repaint and touch ups you've done to the statue? I actually don't specifically know what the actual colors look like.