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Not mine, but lol:

Ah, then yeah… it already looks pretty good if that's what it is. I think doing the armor would have worked better. I'm torn on the Hasui vs Kobayashi thing. I really love the way a lot of the molds Kobayashi worked on /look/ but at least all of the ones I have experience with (Binaltech Smokescreen, MP Rodimus and even MP-10) are all a real pain in the ass to transform. Hasui's stuff from what I have experienced just feel so much more solid and are just better toys all around AND they still look good. I feel like maybe Kobayashi is sometimes a little too clever for his own good when it comes to engineering.

Maybe one day Hasui will be allowed to post pics of how far he got with the actual piece and we'll get to see what might have been, it'd make an intresting comparison.

I agree with that viewpoint, particularly when it concerns BT/Alternators as the few of those I had were as frustrating to transform as many Bayformers.....the Wheeljack/Grimlock mold possibly even moreso.
I think BT Smokescreen was the absolute most difficult and annoying to transform Transformer I have ever had.
Oh for sure. It might not be as complex but it's infuriating how difficult it is to get anything to go together. The legs folding up into the back of the car is almost impossible.
Some of them are pretty good, a lot are really awkward proportionally and very difficult to pose. Probably my favorite I have from the Shockwave/Shockblast RX8.
I dug mine out recently. It's a fantastic figure… if you only ever look at in alt-mode. In robot mode it's a weird skinny or bulky in all the wrong places mess and mine is covered in rust. I don't mind him in gun mode. It's fun to have a cartoony big realistic gun not $200 or whatever I paid for it fun, but at least adds some value to a toy I had long since written off as junk.
I kind of like him. The only reason I got rid of him was because of scale, and making room for other stuff.

Then again, I probably like the look of the original G1 Megatron toy more than most. Don't get me wrong - I like the cartoon look better, but I still have a soft spot for the toy design, I guess. :)

Should be getting my BB soon... I also don't like the Autobot symbol thing going on, but whatever.
I always thought having Optimus inside Magnus was cheap. No matter how well it looks. Unlike Prime, Magnus's trailer IS part of him, and i applaud TT for finally making it happen.

I agree with you, the original toy did look cheap. The white Prime repaint stuffed into a inarticulate brick of a body painted in faded blue that looks like its been left in the sun too long. Repainting the Prime figure and slotting into the trailer was a shortcut the designers took to simplify the engineering of the toy and nothing more.

I grew up with the G1 movie/cartoon series. Magnus was one being comprised of the cab and trailer, not a smaller bot in armour. IDW's take on Magnus is an interesting "in universe" justification for the original toy design but that's Minimus Ambus in a suit of armour, not the real Ultra Magnus.

This masterpiece figure is the real deal for me.
YES.. Mirage and Ironhide. Works for me. All I need is Jazz too... a revamped Megatron, and I'll be done with MPs (maybe Hound).
Another day, another load of bollocks being passed off as fact :pfft:

My advice to the so called "insiders" would simply be,

"Show us prototype images or STFU".