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Thanks a lot I've just picked up the first volume on Amazon. Think I'll wait for the Christmas holiday before I start on it though.

No problems happy to help, it seems the 3rd volume is hard to find in the UK for some reason but not sure if that's the case in the US
I had to search hard for my one.

So I finally had 'Bee arrive today from Nippon Yassan.
No coin, no Amazon exclusive just 'Bee

Hopefully get him opened up tomorrow.

I'm currently picking up these IDW collections...

They are wonderful Hardcovers & apparently run in a suggested reading order

The Transformers: The IDW Collection - Transformers Wiki

I've not started on mine yet as I have a humungous backlog to get through & want to read these when I can really enjoy them.

The series runs upto volume 8 & then will begin Phase 2 which will run the current series of Robots in Disguise & More than Meets the Eye so they are taking it all the way through



If my other Bumblebee from Kapow has the coin and battle mask I'll let you know. It should be here tomorrow.

Aside from the Spotlights and Last Stand of the Wreckers I generally don't rate IDW.

Any good they've done with certain characters has for me been overshadowed by too much dumb crap and characters like Prowl have been completely butchered to the point where Michael Bay's hackery begins to look competent.

I didn't think that they could get any dumber than making Megatron an Autobot, but they've gone full retard and made Prowl a Constructicon and Ironhide the leader of the Dinobots :cuckoo:
got to ask, what's wrong with IDW Prowl?


Prowl should be something like the Autobot version of Spock. Logic is his God, and he doesn't really do emotion.

He's not an unstable, rulebook obsessed jerk that flips tables over every time he gets upset and he most certainly doesn't form Devastator's upper torso.

If IDW went back to awesome resources like the original tech spec bios and used the wealth of information about each character there they'd have all they needed but like the rest of the comic industry they seem more intrested in throwing in as many dumb ideas for cheap shock effect that they can than actually telling good stories with intresting characters.

I also think ending the war and constantly making parallels to problems we face in the real world is totally missing the point of Transformers. They're alien robots, not at all human, so they shouldn't be written as having human issues.

MTMTE started with a load of drivel about Cybertronian immigration issues and there was even a reference to bots making compensation claims. No action, just lots of bots standing around and grumbling. Swerve was the only cheerful character in but I'm betting he got arrested for it, probably by Prowl.

And Optimus Prime, the greatest Autobot of all, has apparently had a hissy fit, renounced his name and gone off into space on his own, presumably to have a big cry or something.

Sorry IDW, you're making Bay look good, something I can't support in any way,shape or form.

Prowl should be something like the Autobot version of Spock. Logic is his God, and he doesn't really do emotion.

He's not an unstable, rulebook obsessed jerk that flips tables over every time he gets upset and he most certainly doesn't form Devastator's upper torso.

If IDW went back to awesome resources like the original tech spec bios and used the wealth of information about each character there they'd have all they needed but like the rest of the comic industry they seem more intrested in throwing in as many dumb ideas for cheap shock effect that they can than actually telling good stories with intresting characters.

I also think ending the war and constantly making parallels to problems we face in the real world is totally missing the point of Transformers. They're alien robots, not at all human, so they shouldn't be written as having human issues.

MTMTE started with a load of drivel about Cybertronian immigration issues and there was even a reference to bots making compensation claims. No action, just lots of bots standing around and grumbling. Swerve was the only cheerful character in but I'm betting he got arrested for it, probably by Prowl.

And Optimus Prime, the greatest Autobot of all, has apparently had a hissy fit, renounced his name and gone off into space on his own, presumably to have a big cry or something.

Sorry IDW, you're making Bay look good, something I can't support in any way,shape or form.

and the underlined part is EXACTLY what he is. 90% of the things you don't like were while prowl was being mind controlled by the insecticons. he was also refitted and reformed during this time to be used to replace one of the constructicons who was dead at that time.

Yes, He STILL forms the head of devastator now, and he's brought the constructicons over to his side now, BECAUSE while they were together, they saw his cold logic inside his head ( they sorta become one being when they are devastator) and they LIKED what they saw. He leads them now.

On optimus, that's not what happened. Optimus came to recognize that he was a wartime leader, and not the leader that the Autobots needed at the time. So he stepped down, to let others lead. He Was a warrior, not a politician.

Swerve is still awesome, and runs a bar on the lost light.

speaking of the lost light, they recently revealed what is inside Brainstorms Briefcase.

Yes, there were some... weird parts along the way that had questionable writing, but here lately, they've been solid gold, and YES, that includes Starscream leading cybertron, and Megatron switching sides.
If my other Bumblebee from Kapow has the coin and battle mask I'll let you know. It should be here tomorrow.

Aside from the Spotlights and Last Stand of the Wreckers I generally don't rate IDW.

Any good they've done with certain characters has for me been overshadowed by too much dumb crap and characters like Prowl have been completely butchered to the point where Michael Bay's hackery begins to look competent.

I didn't think that they could get any dumber than making Megatron an Autobot, but they've gone full retard and made Prowl a Constructicon and Ironhide the leader of the Dinobots :cuckoo:

Thanks man you are a star :)

I actually stopped reading the MTME & RID because I didn't like the tone & where it was heading but the earlier IDW stuff that is covered in these collections is much much better & more grounded in G1, plus the HC's look lovely :)

I got round to cracking out my 'Bee today & I love him...such a simple transformation & just feels so well made, looks great as a bot just blown away & I normally hate him lol

I did take some pics but they didn't upload to Photobucket properly & I've promptly deleted them from my phone apart from these couple...

But he's sweet & another great figure

MP Bee and the Dibots look spectacular!

Shame Daniel - or is it Spike? - doesn't have a better sculpted face. It's passable, though.

Corsair, I don't read IDW but everything you're saying here is why I stay away from ongoing titles in general - things get way too convoluted, over-complicated, inconsistent and even sometimes outright stupid. I much prefer getting collected works from the good authors and artists after the fact.
Is Ultimetal Prime ever coming out?!!?!?!?!?!

And no more word on Megatron Ultimetal since the first grey proto shown many moons ago, right?
Is Ultimetal Prime ever coming out?!!?!?!?!?!

And no more word on Megatron Ultimetal since the first grey proto shown many moons ago, right?

No and no apparently.

Got mine paid for at RK, and it truly sucks not having him yet.

Feels like a grand just went down the drain or something.
Those dibots really look amazing. I had decided not too long ago to put most of my collection money towards whatever comes out from Hot Toys for the Ultron line, but these guys together are almost making me regret that.
OK, maybe I read some stuff without the full context, but I still feel that a lot of what IDW doing is dumb.

Agreed. The art of storytelling without relying on overblown "events" or some kind of cheap shock value seems to be a dying one, at least in comics anyway.

Send me a PM with your details and I'll get the Bumblebee extras sent out.
Just got my MP Bee today, he is awesome, but his vehicle mode is on the small side. It is about the size of the deluxe figures, definitely not in scale with the other MP Autobots.