What is Snarl about to do to Grimlock?
Good lord that Snarl is MASSIVE compared to MP Grimmy.
This is the grail for all combiners. I'm sure Fans Toys, X-Transbots, Unique Toys, Warbotron, Mastermind Creations, etc. are cooking up a plan for Devastator.
...Ok. Well, Hasbro/Takara-Tomy's set is the best Devaststor money can buy for $149. The individual bots suffer in some areas for the sake of the set, but I'd still take them over either of the 3rd party offerings given that they actually look like the characters. For a guy who loved the Constructions as a kid but was never going to drop $500 on some unlicensed approximation, this set is really exciting.In 2015 I think anyone producing combiners should be aiming a lot higher than that Titan Class joke. It's not the 80's any more and Transformer design has evolved beyond that kind of simplistic approach.
Hasbro get away with it because their primary market is kids and in North America at least, their stuff is cheap to buy.
3rd parties tend to target older collectors with more disposable cash who can be a lot pickier so they don't have the luxury of being able to release any old rubbish and be guaranteed the desired amount of sales.
Fans Toys = Don't make anything but Masterpiece figures so they have no need to compete with Combiner Wars.
If that ever changed their designer could come up with a better looking Devastator in his sleep and the individual Constructicons wouldn't look s**t either.
XTransbots = Like FT are only making Masterpiece figures and are busy with Cyclonus, Scourge, Windcharger, Tailgate and Beachcomber and have also teased Cosmos, Powerglide, Brawn & Outback. Unless some of those are shelved they aren't making a combiner any time soon.
MMC = Are starting to dip their toes into the Masterpiece pond with Sphinx ( Mirage ) and have just shown renders for Hotspot which suggests their next combiner is Defensor.
There's been sufficient time since TFC Hercules and MakeToys Giant that MMC, Warbotron and Unique Toys may feel it's worth having a go at their own versions but they could also decide to follow the money and join the Masterpiece bandwagon.
With Takara showing no intrest in doing anything as ambitious as combiners the gap in the Masterpiece market is wide open and it's only a matter of time before somebody takes the plunge.
...Ok. Well, Hasbro/Takara-Tomy's set is the best Devaststor money can buy for $149. The individual bots suffer in some areas for the sake of the set, but I'd still take them over either of the 3rd party offerings given that they actually look like the characters. For a guy who loved the Constructions as a kid but was never going to drop $500 on some unlicensed approximation, this set is really exciting.
Hasbro got the proportion down right. Too bad they are not taking it to the MP level.
That's too bad. I like that 3rd parties have capitalized on the opportunities. I now find myself looking forward to 3rd party release than Takara MP.
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Isn't FT working on one?
That would be VERY interesting to see. Is it just one of those rumors?
Gross! What's the import price for Takara-Tomy figures for you guys? Is the 3rd party stuff also more expensive?In the UK the price is closer to $220 from the best import store ( Kapow Toys ) and will probably be more than that once the limited UK stock gets scalped from TRU and put on ebay.
I do not care for the TFC Hercules figure at all. MakeToys Green Giant is a really nice Devastator, but the individual robot modes don't even make an attempt to resemble the characters apart from Mixmaster. Honestly the 3rd party stuff has come so far since they did Devastator that someone really ought to tackle the set again; their newer combiners are absolutely incredible. MakeToys Devastator is nice but not $250 nicer than Hasbro's and as I said the individual robot modes are worthless; Hasbro's individual bots may have some severe compromises for the sake of cost, but I love how well they represent the characters.I'm not happy with TFC Hercules design. Combiner mode is floppy but overall look is not as good as Maketoys. If I'm looking at modern design, Maketoys would be my pick.