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Hound is looking amazing...definitely in for him

No problem, glad everyone else is digging it, I'm a bit disappointed in FT for doing a carbot but they've pulled it off with their usual style, none of the official carbots have diecast or rubber tyres.

FT have hinted before that they have very good sources of information....they knew about Leader Class Jetfire 18 months before it was revealed so with this announcement I have to wonder what they have been told about the chances of an official Hound.

Might I ask why you're disappointed buddy?
I think it was inevitable they would do some eventually.
I feel they are almost finished with all the sideline characters so to keep going they need to branch into the mainstream that Takara still seem reluctant to do.

The only others I'd like to see them tackle now outside of Carbots are Blaster, Megs & the Coneheads
Pass that it's Carbots only I think


Hound is looking amazing...definitely in for him

Might I ask why you're disappointed buddy?
I think it was inevitable they would do some eventually.
I feel they are almost finished with all the sideline characters so to keep going they need to branch into the mainstream that Takara still seem reluctant to do.

The only others I'd like to see them tackle now outside of Carbots are Blaster, Megs & the Coneheads
Pass that it's Carbots only I think


I'm disappointed because it pushes their Skyfire and Blaster further down the pecking order. They've confirmed on FB that both will still be released and that Blaster will be significantly improved on that prototype they showed way back, but it seems like they're constantly being bumped for other stuff.

I can't really explain why I changed my position on carbots as I wanted them all at one point, I almost feel bad that I'm not excited about Hound, Tracks or the seemingly imminent Takara Ironhide/Ratchet mold but the enthusiasm for those characters just isn't there any more :dunno

If FT want to sell me a carbot then Sunstreaker is the only other one I can see myself buying because the Omnigonix one is taking far too long and misses several important details that FT wouldn't.

Other characters I'd like to see FT do include,

Impactor ( I know this is a major long shot as he's comic only but it'd be a nice alternative to the usual cartoon/toy characters. )

BTW I've finally made a decision on FT Bombshell and have pre-ordered the purple chest one from TFS-Express as they're £10 cheaper than Kapow.
I could care less if:
Get made... they have no significance to me and I have lil' connection to them.
Fans Toys still has to get the colors and materials right for it to fit in with a legitimate Masterpiece collection. I've been less than impressed with them in that regard in the past, but the new in-color images of their Bombshell figure seems to indicate they're improving.


reminds me of the old g1 toy back in the good old days
I'm disappointed because it pushes their Skyfire and Blaster further down the pecking order. They've confirmed on FB that both will still be released and that Blaster will be significantly improved on that prototype they showed way back, but it seems like they're constantly being bumped for other stuff.

I can't really explain why I changed my position on carbots as I wanted them all at one point, I almost feel bad that I'm not excited about Hound, Tracks or the seemingly imminent Takara Ironhide/Ratchet mold but the enthusiasm for those characters just isn't there any more :dunno

If FT want to sell me a carbot then Sunstreaker is the only other one I can see myself buying because the Omnigonix one is taking far too long and misses several important details that FT wouldn't.

Other characters I'd like to see FT do include,

Impactor ( I know this is a major long shot as he's comic only but it'd be a nice alternative to the usual cartoon/toy characters. )

BTW I've finally made a decision on FT Bombshell and have pre-ordered the purple chest one from TFS-Express as they're £10 cheaper than Kapow.

Ah yeah I can appreciate that.
I think Skyfire slipped under my radar as he never really ticked any boxes that I felt I needed him & I had totally forgot they'd already shown Blaster lol

I probably think you're just suffering Carbot burn's just been so much of them lately from Takara that there has been little else but since FT are on a real roll with the characters Takara seem to be ignoring for much lower tier ones then it was inevitable they would finally pick up the slack with the MIA carbots & I couldn't be happier
I still don't own anything from FT but I'm rectifying that with their Insecticons (went with cartoon accurate for them but now I'm wishing I'd done the Purple lol) & will definitely be adding Hound plus any more they do.

TBH the more I think about Gestalts the less I really feel like I NEED them, I can certainly live without them
I'd forgotten about the Triple Changers though & I would like them to tackle Springer etc. just so I can have them with Top Spin & Twin Twist & finally get some Wreckers together ;)

Ah yeah I can appreciate that.
I think Skyfire slipped under my radar as he never really ticked any boxes that I felt I needed him & I had totally forgot they'd already shown Blaster lol

I probably think you're just suffering Carbot burn's just been so much of them lately from Takara that there has been little else but since FT are on a real roll with the characters Takara seem to be ignoring for much lower tier ones then it was inevitable they would finally pick up the slack with the MIA carbots & I couldn't be happier
I still don't own anything from FT but I'm rectifying that with their Insecticons (went with cartoon accurate for them but now I'm wishing I'd done the Purple lol) & will definitely be adding Hound plus any more they do.

TBH the more I think about Gestalts the less I really feel like I NEED them, I can certainly live without them
I'd forgotten about the Triple Changers though & I would like them to tackle Springer etc. just so I can have them with Top Spin & Twin Twist & finally get some Wreckers together ;)


Yeah, I think that's it, sometimes there can be too much of a good thing, HT Iron Man figures for example.

That said, Hound proves they can do carbots well so fans of characters like Trailbreaker/ Hoist, Inferno/Grapple and Skids may have a reliable alternative option instead of waiting on Takara which is great!

I would like a couple of combiners to fill out the Decepticon ranks and both Devastator and Predaking have history with the Dinobots so they'd be good options for FT.

We've already seen an attempt at MP Astrotrain from DX09 which got the size right but not the aesthetic especially on the shuttle mode so I'd like to see FT improve on it. DX09 are also doing Blitzwing so maybe FT will just wait to see how they do it and steal the good bits.

I have a lot of memories from the UK Marvel comics of the Wreckers and IDW's Last Stand of the Wreckers is by far the best thing I've ever read from them so there's a lot of appeal for the likes of Springer, Impactor, the Jumpstarters and co.

MMC are doing a Classics scale Impactor which is out later this year so I'm probably going to get that as I still have Generations Springer and Whirl and Mech Ideas Topspin, Twin Twist and Ironfist so it can go with those.

Here's a digibash from Shiro at TFW that shows two possible options for Hound's coloring,

There's also the option for another variant based on the eHobby Exclusive Junkion Detritus.
I like to have the cartoon presentation of hound. I always wanted my transformers to look there counter part we saw on tv and not some character portending to look like the character
FT wins,broke down and preordered Hound and the Insecticons. Let's see what their praised quality is all about.
I would go for either toy or cartoon accuracy here. I have a lot of nostalgia for the toy, but I think the latter would best complement other MP figures.
If we're talking about the color of Hound, I would say the original toy and cartoon are roughly the same; neither is a bright, vibrant green like the mockup pictured on the right, nor should they be. He's an army jeep, after all :)



Looks like the shading in the animation model there shares a bit from both mock-ups. He's "brighter" (relatively speaking) in the shadowed areas of the cartoon, ironically, while those with light on him look more drab and washed out. But the one of the left mock-up looks almost gray, and he doesn't appear that way in the cartoon overall IMO. Like I said, I think I would be happy either way!
Looks like the shading in the animation model there shares a bit from both mock-ups. He's "brighter" (relatively speaking) in the shadowed areas of the cartoon, ironically, while those with light on him look more drab and washed out. But the one of the left mock-up looks almost gray, and he doesn't appear that way in the cartoon overall IMO. Like I said, I think I would be happy either way!
Well again he's an army jeep so he should be a duller, "greyer" green, not a bright vibrant John Deere green :)



On a slightly-related note, I received my first Autobot car Masterpiece figures this week; what's the deal with plastic wheels and flat silver paint instead of vac metal chrome? For what these things cost I thought those two features would be givens.


Edit: wow, those Bad Cube Insecticons have come a LONG way. But apparently this is two different sets, one "toon" edition and the other akin to the original toys?


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3P TF's has taken all my excitement away from Hit Toys right now and I can't wait for DX9 Invisible. Any of you guys have him?

I don't think Invisible is awful, but like DX09's other figures it looks more of a Classics/MP hybrid in styling, MMC's Sphinx is looking a lot more like the G1 animation model especially since they improved the headsculpt.

The other option could be to wait and see if Fans Toys make Mirage as now they're doing carbots it's a fair bet that it'll be on their "to do" list.

If they don't do Mirage the other 2 will still be around so you can always go back and pick one of those up.