yep, ordered 4! Hopefully a 5th is coming early too.
Boast much?
yep, ordered 4! Hopefully a 5th is coming early too.
I just got HA Skids and he seems pretty awesome. Soon Mudflap will be out and I'll be getting him.
Hey Bagels is that a War Within Springer? Pretty cool.
Aside for the placement of the door wings I think HA Skids is pretty damn good and I'm looking forward to getting his bro too. Gotta have that Simmons figure!
I really like HA Skids, but my two biggest gripes with it are the limited articulation at the shoulders and the fact that they painted Chromia red and called her Arcee.
Has/Tak = OWNED! ( again! )
BBTS is always horribly overpriced. I'll wait and see the prices on other stores myself. I really don't like those blue pinstripes, though...
And holy crap, I have to admit, Fans Project did a pretty awesome job with this:
More pics here:
It's smaller then a scout and 37 bucks WITHOUT shipping, which will be the stuff of nightmares when you order it from Europe. Not only that, it doesn't even have the Rumble/Frenzy colors, so they're making a pointless variation first instead of the one thing that everybody wants.
So 'owned', my ass. You can import several great scout figures from the US for that price anyways, if the UK prices bother you THAT much.
Though now I'm left wondering what the new Soundwave figure will be like.Since we have one for the new cartoon, and Universe 3.0 is supposed to have one as well.
Ah, fair deal then.
But what's wrong with Ravage? He's a free toy tossed in with an awesome deluxe, and very well engineered considering that, especially because he can actually turn into a casette that fits in the original Soundwave.
No worries, we may not always agree but the fact that we never let things descend into an insult contest is a refreshing change from a lot of people on the actual TF sites
I suppose if you look at Ravage as a freebie he's sorta OK but I think it's inferior to the original which considering the advances in toy engineering in the last 25 years kinda sucks.
Thankfully Takara have made it obsolete by releasing the amazing ( though somewhat expensive ) Device Label Ravage which really is the ultimate version of G1 Ravage's cat mode and the memory stick alt mode is a beliveable modern alternative to a cassette.
Indeed. I swear, some of those sites are filled with almost nothing but *******.
Huh, really? I like him quite a bit more then the original, only weird thing is that 'beak'.
See, I'm conflicted about that. ML Soundwave and DL Ravage are GREAT figures, but just not worth the cost for me. I would buy them in a heartbeat if they were released without the gimmicks, but come on, they're overpriced for features you'd never really use anyways. Ravage would have been worth the cost if he didn't have such a ridicously small memory...
That reminds me, I need to get RotF Ravage.The head is a bit weird, but otherwise he's a great representation of the movie version, and the more G1-esque colors make him look better and more vicious as well.
Your lips to God's ears....I think this along with all the other non Movie characters Hasbro have made for the ROTF line are a waste of their budget especially when there's several characters that were actually in the movies that still haven't got a decent toy.
I can't be the only one that would sooner have seen a Leader Class Ironhide, Long Haul or Blackout/Grindor, an all new Voyager Ratchet mold and maybe a suprise like a Human Alliance Jazz instead of ugly ass crap like Bludgeon, Brawn, Dirge, Mindwipe & co.