Maybe you've not used those exact words but compared to the other "names" in the TF community you seem very quick to constantly remind people of your abilities, often hijack threads with large signatures containing your latest ebay auctions and you don't seem to take any kind of criticism well at all.
There's been numerous occasions at TFW where you went off at someone for little more than saying they didn't like a certain custom and I believe you got banned for a time for going off on a long rant about how much better you were than the "haters" just because you made lots of money, an outburst that was also triggered by someone not liking an aspect of your customising style.
Maybe the way you word some of your posts isn't always intentional but it often comes across like you look down on people that don't make lots of money from customising or don't agree with your style of painting and I noticed this long before I ever knew Dubz so don't think I'm saying this just because he's my friend.
Being proud of what you do is fine, just try and reign in the constant self promotion and be more accepting of the fact that not everyone will like your work and I don't think there'd be any problems.
As for the situation with Dubz, I wish the two of you could just bury the hatchet and start afresh, agree to disagree or whatever as it's not good for this forum to have any kind of feud getting in the way of the discussion.