The fact is a better paint job would result in more toys being sold, thus more profits for the manufacturers and happier customers...and im not even suggesting for a second (im not
this naive) that they do paint like some high-end customizers do like Encline or Crefigz for example, but a little bit of effort - some silver to cover up all the grey on leader prime for example, a bit of a blackwash to bring out the details maybe is all it would take - but bone idleness and lack of any sort of
giving a crap about their customers- kind of attitude prevents this.
Heh I still like it when yanks try and make Hasbro sound like a great company to us Brits. If only they had a
clue about how we get it up the butt on every TF we buy (if we even get the chance to

) and how
easy they have it in comparison.