All I ever want to do is discuss Transformers but it seems impossible as this particular TF community seems to be one of the most unfriendly I've come across.
Whether it's people telling me I'm not a "true" or "real" fan because I don't like Animated or arrogant, bullying types like FR taking shots just because a couple of us criticised the Almighty Hasbro it seems like all some people want to do is force any "non believers" to stop posting here so it's no wonder some of us lose patience.

That was awesome! I lol'ed!
Yep. Either belittle you, or force an opinion down your throat and try and convince you to think otherwise. Or bash you with walls of text and self-absorbed mouth diarrhea nonesense because they think they know EVERYTHING and are better than everyone else.
But it isnt just here, the whole tf "community" in general seems to be like that.
Nobody can just like, or dislike, something. There always has to be some arsehole who has to poke his nose in and demand some retarded "in-depth" explanation for peoples reasons to like and dislike something and then start an arguement over it. What starts as gentle, playful banter gets escalated into a full-blown arguement and then people start getting personal and attacking each other.
Its just pathetic.
I do know what you mean guys, although I have to disagree in that I think this is one of the more friendly and welcoming sites out there. I’ve not been here very long, or post that often, but always found the guys here to be really cool.
I agree The Transformers community as a whole does seem to be “at odds with itself” right now and it does get tiresome. Gen1, Beast Wars, Animated and the movies seem to really polarise opinion which leads to “friction”. I guess it comes down to the fact People joined the fandom at different times and have their own definitive series that they genuinely care about. If someone makes negative or derogatory comments about your favourite it’s natural to defend it. The problem is when discussion turns into baiting and outright name calling. Lets be honest phrases like “Bay raped my childhood” and “Animated is an abortion” don’t help anyone.
There is no such thing as a “true fan”. You know what Transformers and your collection means to you and that’s
all that matters. Nobody should need validation from strangers on a message board about what they like, or feel the need to change anybody else’s opinions on what they don’t. To be honest all the arguments have been had a million times over and people really aren’t going to change their minds now.
Gen1 = stupid stories, outdated, animation errors
Beast Wars = Truck not Monkey
Animated = horrible designs, to kiddy
Movies = No characterisation, rubbish plot.
For myself I love Gen1, I love animated and am looking forward to WFC. The rest leaves me pretty cold. Does that make me less of a fan than someone who likes all areas of the franchise? Not in my opinion. Do I look down on anyone that hates the stuff I like? Heck no! Each to there own! The irony is I really don’t think there has been a better time to be a fan of the franchise. Masterpiece, Classics/Generations, Movie, Animated, 3rd party companies and the upcoming game means there is something to keep everyone happy.
If people spent more time enjoying the parts of the franchise they like and less time trying to “put Down” the parts they don’t It’d be a happier place. Someone doesn’t agree with you or try’s trolling just smile and move on !
See I feel as if BCM and Dubz "fart in our general direction". Also they sound like John Cleese every time I read their posts. Very funny.
To be fair the UK does get the shaft from Hasbro far to often and yeah we will moan about it because it's frustrating. Hasbro are awsome but not above critisism. If they catered to the market here properly they could make a lot more money, surely the aim of any business? Having said that us Brits do get it better than a
lot of other places in the world, which I sometimes think we forget.
LOL, instead of John Cleese can you you read me as some cool British Bond villan Deak? Anyone but Hugh (effin) Grant