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Well, like you said yourself "Yeah, the odd thing will annoy people prompting discussions and disagrements*"
People having such easy access to toys that we in the UK have to hunt down like animals or pay through the noses in import fees to own annoys me.
I dont see why i am not allowed to express that*, yet in the same breath you say i am so make up your mind.

I dont care if other fans dislike or like something i dont. What i do dislike is those fans then going around saying that the thing they like is the best thing ever and the thing i like is the worst.
Again, i should be allowed to express how wrong and idiotic attitudes like that are, like you said*.

As for a stalker that i had an arguement with three years ago who will not stop or let it go i think ANYONE in a similar situation would be slightly annoyed by that. If you were victimized like that youd have something to say about it too. When you know what its like come back and talk to me then.

And as for you making my list, what do you expect with sarcastic BS like your closing comment?
Although i do appriciate the implication you made between me and the coolest sci-fi bad guy ever created. :clap

As for what i get out of the hobby. When i can afford them or find them i enjoy the feeling of collecting Transformers, and i also enjoy pianting them and customizing them. Which i still do, despite peoples constant failed attempts to stop me. (just because they feel threatened by me, so they threaten my wife with physical harm...makes sense doesnt it?)

BTW i apologize for calling you a name. That was very stupid and immature of me. I was just getting a bit agitated so i blerted it out.

Obviously discussions and disagreements will happen in any online community, but it doesn't have to degenerate into a full blown argument. I guess it's just the tone of some of your comments and statements that often come accross as inflamatory and aggressive. You might not mean them that way, but that's certainly how they can come across. When you make a comment you see it as simply stating your opinion, if someone else does you seem to take it as a personal attack. It really can't be everyone else all the time can it?

I agree any sort of comment regarding your family are bang out of order, especially threats. Did this happen recently? If it did and you really are worried it was made with serious intent, then it should be reported, to the site and if neccesary even the police.

If It happened a long time ago perhaps just recognise people over react and say things they don't mean. If it can't be sorted out, let it go and put anyone related to the incident on ignore, have nothing more to do with them. If did get the wrong end of the stick then my mistake, but if this plays out on a public message board that is the risk you run unfortunately. Bad blood and ongoing feuds/arguments don't help anyone and aren't why people vist the thread. The reason many people don't want it on here.

LOL !! The Terminator quote was meant jokingly, and no worries about the comment (I've been called worse before and will be again:wink1:). we all say stuff in the heat of the moment!

Anyway I realise that by replying I'm doing exactly what I complained about in the first place :slap so I will leave it there and step away from the thread.

Obviously discussions and disagreements will happen in any online community, but it doesn't have to degenerate into a full blown argument. I guess it's just the tone of some of your comments and statements that often come accross as inflamatory and aggressive. You might not mean them that way, but that's certainly how they can come across. When you make a comment you see it as simply stating your opinion, if someone else does you seem to take it as a personal attack. It really can't be everyone else all the time can it?

I agree any sort of comment regarding your family are bang out of order, especially threats. Did this happen recently? If it did and you really are worried it was made with serious intent, then it should be reported, to the site and if neccesary even the police.

If It happened a long time ago perhaps just recognise people over react and say things they don't mean. If it can't be sorted out, let it go and put anyone related to the incident on ignore, have nothing more to do with them. If did get the wrong end of the stick then my mistake, but if this plays out on a public message board that is the risk you run unfortunately. Bad blood and ongoing feuds/arguments don't help anyone and aren't why people vist the thread. The reason many people don't want it on here.

LOL !! The Terminator quote was meant jokingly, and no worries about the comment (I've been called worse before and will be again:wink1:). we all say stuff in the heat of the moment!

Anyway I realise that by replying I'm doing exactly what I complained about in the first place :slap so I will leave it there and step away from the thread.


Nah youre ok. Unlike some people i can see you have a good head on your shoulders and can actually have a discussion without things turning into a silly mud-flinging contest.

I know i can be crass, loud, heavily opinionated and a bit of a ____ but really at the end of the day nothing i say (in the context of expressing an opinion about a plastic transforming toy) should be taken so seriously that it causes people anguish, and when i sound aggressive or accusatory i dont mean it that way like you said, its just a poor choice of wording on my part.
Plus i get aggravated easily incase you didnt notice :p

Basically people around here just need to learn to take anything i say with a pinch of salt. Unless i state otherwise im never out to be a **** towards someone or cause drama as i cant be bothered with that kinda crap myself. Trust me i havent got the energy or the health to go around daily and cause drama on internet boards. :slap

So yeah, when im like that its never usually meant to be taken as me being aggressive towards anyone in particular (unlles, like i said, i state otherwise), its just me letting off steam or just not having a very diplomatic vocabulary. ;)

People express themselves in different ways...mine just happens to be taken the wrong way very easily.

All's good ok chaps? Just remember to not take everything i say so seriously, unless its a serious topic i happen to be talking about of course. (did that make any sense? lol)

As for that threat Bob, to answer your question, it was rather recently but it happened basically by way of passed-along comments.
Someone i knew who the person in question thought had in his back-pocket (their little membership notebook of "who'se who in my little clique today?")leaked the info to me, and he had no reason to make something like that up so i have no reason to believe he was lying. Plus i saw the email with my own eyes anyway.

Since it didnt happen on any website (only through private emails) theres not anything that can be done legally against someone like that, especially when both parties live on opposite sides of the Atlantic.
Shame cos i WOULD have done something by now if this was a local problem, ohhh beleive me this wouldnt be an issue anymore if there wasnt such a large distance seperating us. Which...i suppose is a good thing. :dunno
Yeah he is great Tom, and those are awesome pics zerogouki! I slapped a red autobot symbol on his chest and it really makes him pop. Also he has flippers.
I was at Toys R Us and figured what the heck, you only live once. I picked up a second Grimlock so I can display him in dinosaur and robot mode at all times.

Damn, I've been checking my TRU almost every day for MP Gimlock with no luck. However, I was able to pick up WFC Bumblebee and BB Bumble. Love them both. Also saw a ton of Battle Ops BB. Anyone recommend it?
Lucky so-and-so :mad:

Oh, well. . .

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
Best Transformers Movie Ever and Best Part Ever!!!! Love when Optimus transformers and kicks Decepticons *****!!!

<iframe class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="1300" height="765" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>
You guys have probably already seen this but its worth another look....

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>
You guys have probably already seen this but its worth another look....

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

heard about this, but first time seeing it...good for that guy. screw those pawn star guys for trying to flip his 30 year collection.
There was a thread on that, but that's just the nature of their business. If the seller wanted to maximize profits, he could put it all on eBay. If you want to have a middle man handle the hassle and expense of listing and selling that stuff, then you're gonna have to pay. Either the seller had no idea how pawn shops operate, or he just wanted to be on TV (probably the latter). Because, being a collector, knowing value, and not being willing to negotiate on value isn't going to allow you to sell to guys like that.
Nah youre ok. Unlike some people i can see you have a good head on your shoulders and can actually have a discussion without things turning into a silly mud-flinging contest.

I know i can be crass, loud, heavily opinionated and a bit of a ____ but really at the end of the day nothing i say (in the context of expressing an opinion about a plastic transforming toy) should be taken so seriously that it causes people anguish, and when i sound aggressive or accusatory i dont mean it that way like you said, its just a poor choice of wording on my part.
Plus i get aggravated easily incase you didnt notice :p

Basically people around here just need to learn to take anything i say with a pinch of salt. Unless i state otherwise im never out to be a **** towards someone or cause drama as i cant be bothered with that kinda crap myself. Trust me i havent got the energy or the health to go around daily and cause drama on internet boards. :slap

So yeah, when im like that its never usually meant to be taken as me being aggressive towards anyone in particular (unlles, like i said, i state otherwise), its just me letting off steam or just not having a very diplomatic vocabulary. ;)

People express themselves in different ways...mine just happens to be taken the wrong way very easily.

All's good ok chaps? Just remember to not take everything i say so seriously, unless its a serious topic i happen to be talking about of course. (did that make any sense? lol)

As for that threat Bob, to answer your question, it was rather recently but it happened basically by way of passed-along comments.
Someone i knew who the person in question thought had in his back-pocket (their little membership notebook of "who'se who in my little clique today?")leaked the info to me, and he had no reason to make something like that up so i have no reason to believe he was lying. Plus i saw the email with my own eyes anyway.

Since it didnt happen on any website (only through private emails) theres not anything that can be done legally against someone like that, especially when both parties live on opposite sides of the Atlantic.
Shame cos i WOULD have done something by now if this was a local problem, ohhh beleive me this wouldnt be an issue anymore if there wasnt such a large distance seperating us. Which...i suppose is a good thing. :dunno

No worries mate, all good and certainly no hard feelings my end :)
We all get a bit worked up sometimes, it’s just part of being passionate about the hobby I guess.

Seriously, If I were you, I would just cut all ties and all lines of communication with whoever the people in question are.
Don’t let them get a rise out of you and they will eventually lose interest. People can only shout at silence for so long.
The way to win is to just go about your life and enjoy your hobby and the boards.


Finally got in my CD pieces, sans head which is coming next week, and Bob, how the hell did you get you CrazyDevy to stand like that? I've been futzing with mine for awhile now and he's just too top/back heavy to pose without angling his thighs back pretty far to the point that it looks kinda ridiculous. For now, I'm fully extending Hook's grappling hook and using that to prop him up against my display case:(