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I think its awesome that Takara is finally doing new MP's. I would love to see them do the rest of the dinobots to go with Grimlock. One can wish!
Your purchases perfectly illustrate my point about the price differences.

You paid $24 for 3 figures which is about £16-£17.

Depending on import store prices that would have got me 1 and possibly left a bit for shipping which for Hasbro quality figures wouldn't be worth the money.

Did you need a hook-up on these? I can probably get another set... It's Winners though (discount store) so supplies are limited.
Did you need a hook-up on these? I can probably get another set... It's Winners though (discount store) so supplies are limited.

Thanks for the offer but I'll pass as I'm hopefully going to be offloading almost all of my official TF's over the next few weeks.

The only one that's safe from the chop is MP Grimlock as that will still fit in with my requirements for a more G1 accurate looking display.

All the Autobot cars won't be missed due to their genericness and figures like Henkei Smokescreen should fetch a healthy price on the 'bay as they're pretty scarce these days.
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Eh, I'd rather have it stick with Takara and have them step up their game again. Hot Toys rule, but I don't know whether they have the experience to design transforming figures that don't, you know, break during the first transformation, or look satisfying in both modes. I'd love movie figures of them, though.

3A, on the other hand? Now there's a company that could knock it right out of the park.

yea give it to 3A. their Real Steel figures look great IMO

Yeah Hot Toys doing Transformers would be weird, and I totally agree with you. I love my Hot Toys figures, but picturing them being Transformers I see pieces everywhere. :rotfl

I finally completed Team Prime :rock so the question is... Is the first edition Bulkhead still worth getting?
I bought the RID bulkhead....and quickly snapped up a FE Takara bulkhead. It is THAT much better. Once you see them side by side you wonder why Hasbro even bothered to make the RID version. The powerizer gimmick is a disgrace to the whole class.
I watched a side by side review of FE and RID Bulkhead, and I think I want a FE Bulkhead now. But didn't Hasbro said that they will sell the FE in some sort of way? Hope it's not a funky color version if they do, but a battle damaged version would do. Don't know if I wanna drop $70 for a FE Bulkhead
Hey guys. It's not much and excuse the crappy pic but here's a shot of my little G1 Prime shrine

Cool shelf. Who's that really dark Seeker though? ;)

And as for the FE vs. RiD debate... yeah, get the FE. Sure it's pricey, but it's not THAT bad. This is a Sideshow forum, after all.
Thanks for the offer but I'll pass as I'm hopefully going to be offloading almost all of my official TF's over the next few weeks.

The only one that's safe from the chop is MP Grimlock as that will still fit in with my requirements for a more G1 accurate looking display.

All the Autobot cars won't be missed due to their genericness and figures like Henkei Smokescreen should fetch a healthy price on the 'bay as they're pretty scarce these days.

Wow! Well, good luck with the sale.

Are you looking to get rid of a Henkei Bumblebee by any chance?
I took a quick look and thought it was the CHUG figures, clearly i need my eyesight looked at. Those MP looks awesome!

I really wish I had the MP Grimlok

Yeah..about that.. I don't have the best of camera's. So don't blame yourself.
Wow! Well, good luck with the sale.

Are you looking to get rid of a Henkei Bumblebee by any chance?


I looked at my collection and decided to start rebuilding with more focus on faithfulness to the original designs as even though I tried other lines none ever resonated with me in anything like the same way....I think nostalgia plays a big part as they're essentially the designs I grew up with so any TF that looks as close to the source material as iGear's Brawn or Gears do or something that's based on modern G1 art like TFC's Devastator will always be more appreciated by me than generic looking CHUGformers.

I've also sold City Commander and Protector which has helped pay for 2 more Hot Toys Avengers so I've now got half the team & Loki pre-ordered :)

I'll send you a PM about Bumblebee :wink1:
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I took a quick look and thought it was the CHUG figures, clearly i need my eyesight looked at. Those MP looks awesome!

I really wish I had the MP Grimlok

Yeah..about that.. I don't have the best of camera's. So don't blame yourself.

I think it's the angle more than anything. The CHUG Seekers look very squat to me, and the overhead view of the MP versions make them look shorter than they are.

The Coneheads are underway. Ratchet, Ironhide, Sideswipe, Red Alert and Soundwave preordered. I'll post updated pics, with hopefully a better camera.


I'm waiting on the MP preorders. There always seems to be plenty of MPs available so I'm not worried.

You should give the iGear Mini-Warriors a try. They're like mini MPs. :)


I looked at my collection and decided to start rebuilding with more focus on faithfulness to the original designs as even though I tried other lines none ever resonated with me in anything like the same way....I think nostalgia plays a big part as they're essentially the designs I grew up with so any TF that looks as close to the source material as iGear's Brawn or Gears do or something that's based on modern G1 art like TFC's Devastator will always be more appreciated by me than generic looking CHUGformers.

I've also sold City Commander and Protector which has helped pay for 2 more Hot Toys Avengers so I've now got half the team & Loki pre-ordered :)

I'll send you a PM about Bumblebee :wink1:

Received, thanks! :)