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I was considering the KO Dinobots, but was wondering what the draw backs are? I know that there joints are much tighter then the G1s.

Bring on the rest!

That's the kind of vibe I'm going for with my collection although I would have,

Faith Leader instead of MP10

iGear Starscream instead of MP11

No Hot Rod/Rodimus

I'm also going to add,

iGear Ironhide, Ratchet, Brawn & Gears

Fans Toys Soundwave & minions

MP Sideswipe/Red Alert ( If the actual piece lives up to the CGI images )
That's the kind of vibe I'm going for with my collection although I would have,

Faith Leader instead of MP10

iGear Starscream instead of MP11

No Hot Rod/Rodimus

I'm also going to add,

iGear Ironhide, Ratchet, Brawn & Gears

Fans Toys Soundwave & minions

MP Sideswipe/Red Alert ( If the actual piece lives up to the CGI images )

That Sounds sweet :)

Good luck with the sales buddy :hi5:

Had to hold off on my pre-orders for MP 12's & 13 :(
I might be moving before the end of the year & I don't really want to have any hassle swapping address for the deliveries so once I know what's happening I'll pop my orders in then.

If anyone in the UK is interested Kapow toys have listed MP12 & 13 for pre-order as well price for Sideswipe/Red Alert is pretty good @ £75 but Soundwave is a whopping £130!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :horror:horror

Looks like there is going to be some info on MP14 at the Tokyo Toy show next week. So awesome!
That's the kind of vibe I'm going for with my collection although I would have,

Faith Leader instead of MP10

iGear Starscream instead of MP11

No Hot Rod/Rodimus

I'm also going to add,

iGear Ironhide, Ratchet, Brawn & Gears

Fans Toys Soundwave & minions

MP Sideswipe/Red Alert ( If the actual piece lives up to the CGI images )

Yeah, I just put in my preorder for iGear's Brawn and Cosmos yesterday. :)

I'm a little worried about FT Soundwave being released at this point. I imagine they'll wait for more info about the MP version. If size is an issue with the official figure there might still be a reason for them to sell it I suppose. If he's too big (like Rodimus) I will be a bit annoyed. I'm hoping for MP-11 sized, or a tad bit taller.

Speaking of MP-11, is there any reason you went with iGear rather than the official version? I know Traitor's cheaper, but I think the face sculpt, wing tips in robot mode, and the little folding intake things on the shoulders of the MP-3 based Seekers (iGear Coneheads included) make MP-11 the more accurate of the two (not to mention faction symbols).

I did a review on my blog a few months back if you want to take another look. It's definitely worth the extra cost imo, and I can't wait for (presumably MP-11 based) MP Thundercracker.

And I'll probably buy that US release MP-10, too, if only for the alt mode.

I was considering the KO Dinobots, but was wondering what the draw backs are? I know that there joints are much tighter then the G1s.

Me too. Never heard about the tighter joints.

Eventually I'd like genuine G1 Dinobots - whether originals or reissues - but even having the KOs might be a good way to start off, so I would actually know what to look for getting a real one.
Thanks! I've done OK with the first few things I've put on ebay so far so hopefully the other items will do likewise.

£75 each for Sideswipe & Red Alert sounds decent but I'm still going to wait for pics of actual toys before pulling the trigger.

I wouldn't pay £130 for MP Soundwave though especially if,

1.It's smaller in robot mode than the Fans Toys one.

2.It doesn't have at least 2 minions.

3.It looks worse than the Fans Toys design....which is probable.

I went with the iGear Starscream because,

1.I wanted a set of MP Seekers that matched in my lifetime....Has/Tak take too long and there's no guarantee that all 3 would even be released here.

2.Cost eg,

iGear Seeker = Approx £62
MP11 = From £110 upwards.

3.I don't like the headsculpt and also don't want to encourage Takara to do more "2.0" versions of characters that didn't need updating by contributing to their sales figures.

I also don't want the crappy coronation gear which probably added £20-£30 to the price.
teaser pics of MP 12 as an actual toy are starting to surface. Takara says the actual product reveal will b e 16th June at Tokyo Toy Show.
and that MP14 will be shown there as well.
That would be cool, but I have to say, I'm dying for a proper Megatron...
I'm hoping for Megatron or Ultra Magnus. I'd love an updated Megatron but I'd ____ my pants if they announced a proper Ultra Magnus
That would be cool, but I have to say, I'm dying for a proper Megatron...

I have minimal intrest in Megatron unless it's a non transforming one.

The gun mode always compromises the look of the robot mode and there's never been a decent version yet so I think Takara should ditch the transformation and concentrate on making the best recreation of G1 Megatron's robot mode yet and just include a small diecast version of the gun.

More Dinobots would be awesome but I can't see it happening as I don't think they're as popular in Asia as elsewhere....if they were Takara would have made new molds for the G1 toys and rereleased them several times by now.

I think MP14 is more likely to be something using one of the newer molds than another completely new mold so it'll be,

Ultra Magnus
Skywarp or Thundercracker
Soundblaster ( with exclusive cassettes to ensure people buy him as well as Soundwave )

If it was a new mold my top 5 choices would be,

Thanks! I've done OK with the first few things I've put on ebay so far so hopefully the other items will do likewise.

£75 each for Sideswipe & Red Alert sounds decent but I'm still going to wait for pics of actual toys before pulling the trigger.

I wouldn't pay £130 for MP Soundwave though especially if,

1.It's smaller in robot mode than the Fans Toys one.

2.It doesn't have at least 2 minions.

3.It looks worse than the Fans Toys design....which is probable.

Glad to hear the sales are going well...any links to what you are selling??

I was quite impressed with the £75 for Sideswipe so think I'll go with them for those pre-orders.
Like I said I'll have to wait a bit yet because of potential move in a few months, plus it will give me time to see them in proper completed form as well :)

Yep Soundwave is hugely overpriced so I'll be ordering from Robot Kingdom for this one.
I will wait & see the full reveal but seeing as I'm so obssessed with him I think I'll be having him no matter what.
I am interested to see what (if any) minions you get with him though.
If down the line the Fans Toy one does surface & it's better than the Has/Tak one then I'll just add him & pass on the MP version to someone else...but I don't want to miss out incase the FT doesn't arrive.

I have minimal intrest in Megatron unless it's a non transforming one.

The gun mode always compromises the look of the robot mode and there's never been a decent version yet so I think Takara should ditch the transformation and concentrate on making the best recreation of G1 Megatron's robot mode yet and just include a small diecast version of the gun.

More Dinobots would be awesome but I can't see it happening as I don't think they're as popular in Asia as elsewhere....if they were Takara would have made new molds for the G1 toys and rereleased them several times by now.

I think MP14 is more likely to be something using one of the newer molds than another completely new mold so it'll be,

Ultra Magnus
Skywarp or Thundercracker
Soundblaster ( with exclusive cassettes to ensure people buy him as well as Soundwave )

If it was a new mold my top 5 choices would be,


I already have the 1.0 megs so no need for a revamp for me as I'm quite content with him (as hideously oversized as he is)

More Dinobots for MP14 would be a dream come true but I fear Grimlock is all we will ever get from that group of characters.

I'd probably say 14 will just be a re-colour of something we are already getting.

That said from a new mold point of view I'd maybe say they would go for Prowl that woud give them opportunity for 3 more figures from recolours alone & that would make financial sense to them if they are commisioning a new mold...triple the money from a single outlay.

Still not long just a week till all will be revealed :)

Glad to hear the sales are going well...any links to what you are selling??

I was quite impressed with the £75 for Sideswipe so think I'll go with them for those pre-orders.
Like I said I'll have to wait a bit yet because of potential move in a few months, plus it will give me time to see them in proper completed form as well :)

Yep Soundwave is hugely overpriced so I'll be ordering from Robot Kingdom for this one.
I will wait & see the full reveal but seeing as I'm so obssessed with him I think I'll be having him no matter what.
I am interested to see what (if any) minions you get with him though.
If down the line the Fans Toy one does surface & it's better than the Has/Tak one then I'll just add him & pass on the MP version to someone else...but I don't want to miss out incase the FT doesn't arrive.

I already have the 1.0 megs so no need for a revamp for me as I'm quite content with him (as hideously oversized as he is)

More Dinobots for MP14 would be a dream come true but I fear Grimlock is all we will ever get from that group of characters.

I'd probably say 14 will just be a re-colour of something we are already getting.

That said from a new mold point of view I'd maybe say they would go for Prowl that woud give them opportunity for 3 more figures from recolours alone & that would make financial sense to them if they are commisioning a new mold...triple the money from a single outlay.

Still not long just a week till all will be revealed :)


After someone made me a suitable offer on my Fans Project City Commander and Protector I ended the auctions early so I've got to list some more stuff now I'm back home as I've been away for a few days.

I'm mainly getting rid of various CHUG Autobots plus a few other things like Alternity Bumblebee & Cliffjumper....if you want a list let me know.

Sideswipe definitely looks like it'll live up to the CGI images which also bodes well for Red this point I'm more concerned about how they handle Sunstreaker.
I have minimal intrest in Megatron unless it's a non transforming one.

The gun mode always compromises the look of the robot mode...

Oh, I don't know.

That upcoming third party figure looks pretty good. Not perfect, but if they could work out the details of the legs it would be just about perfect. If some third party can pull that figure off I'm sure Takara could design one a bit bigger, with a few added details and a more accurate set of legs/pistol grip, no problem!
Oh, I don't know.

That upcoming third party figure looks pretty good. Not perfect, but if they could work out the details of the legs it would be just about perfect. If some third party can pull that figure off I'm sure Takara could design one a bit bigger, with a few added details and a more accurate set of legs/pistol grip, no problem!

Although the scale isn't suitable for my display Hegemon looks to be one of the better efforts but there's still something lacking about it.

My ideal G1 Megatron would be the Revoltech scaled up so it's a head taller than Faith Leader and with MP levels of detail added.

A super poseable, large scale, non transforming Megatron that has a strong resemblance to some of the IDW art or the G1 animation model would be much more fun than something which will always have one mode compromised in some way unless real mass shifting technology is invented and gets used for toys :lol
Ok, my two cents.

While I'm thrilled that the MP line is getting more focus from TT, why can't they stick to one GD scale??? Argh! Grimlock, while nice, is supposed to be bigger than prime right? And the seekers...why are they not the same size as prime? Yea I know, they were developed after mp01, but still with all the rescaling of crap, why didnt they have foresight that they were gonna make prime smaller with mp10, but make the prior MPs accordingly to the recently released mp10??

Ugh, I'm happy we're getting a more determined and varied MP strategy...but I wish they would stop mucking around with the scale. Honestly, I stopped collecting MPs right when Grimlock came out. I haven't purchased the hundred rereleases of prime and the seekers.

But, if they announce ultra Magnus, now that's something worth buying and may reignite my passion for TFs
Ok, my two cents.

While I'm thrilled that the MP line is getting more focus from TT, why can't they stick to one GD scale??? Argh! Grimlock, while nice, is supposed to be bigger than prime right? And the seekers...why are they not the same size as prime? Yea I know, they were developed after mp01, but still with all the rescaling of crap, why didnt they have foresight that they were gonna make prime smaller with mp10, but make the prior MPs accordingly to the recently released mp10??

Ugh, I'm happy we're getting a more determined and varied MP strategy...but I wish they would stop mucking around with the scale. Honestly, I stopped collecting MPs right when Grimlock came out. I haven't purchased the hundred rereleases of prime and the seekers.

But, if they announce ultra Magnus, now that's something worth buying and may reignite my passion for TFs

A fair point.

More consistency within the line would have been nice but I expect that the development costs have risen since the early releases which is likely the main reason behind the change of scale.

For me it's a non issue as Faith Leader is my Prime of choice and he's perfectly scaled for all the Masterpieces except Megatron and Rodimus ( which I don't have ) as well as iGear's PP series and Mini Warriors.

Speaking of Sideswipe I have now pre-ordered him via Kapow Toys and will be doing likewise with Red Alert once the sale of my Henkei one has been completed.

I was going to wait until more pics are shown but the colored version of the teaser image looked good enough to convince me to take a gamble.
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