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Jazz was a Mazda RX-8 in BT/Alternators but I hope that's not the way Takara decide to go if they can't get the Porsche license.

It's a nice enough car and the BT/Alternators toy was one of the best molds in that line but the MP line should stay as G1 accurate as possible and it would suck more than a Bayformers movie if a popular character like Jazz was subjected to some kind of compromise.

If Takara can't get the Porsche license I'd sooner they didn't bother making him unless they can do a very close lookalike as his cartoon alt mode wasn't exactly a close copy of the 935.

I hear you on the speculation thread, it's like going through an iGear thread and finding the posts that aren't *****ing about prices, release dates and the whole not having a license thing :lol
Yeah, I was talking about prowl originally, not jazz. I'd love to see jazz get some mp love a little too much it seems

With all the new MP's that appear to be coming it's easy to get confused with all the excitement.

If someone had said to me at the beginning of the year that I would have an MP Sideswipe with a fully licensed alt mode by the end of it I'd have replied "Bollocks".

But now, it seems like that's only the beginning.

Of the others I would buy,

Ravage & Rumble ( Were the first G1 Decepticons I ever had as a kid. )

Frenzy & Buzzsaw ( Even if I don't get Soundwave I have to own at least 1 of the bird tapes as the mold looks fantastic. )

Prowl & repaints ( No brainer especially Bluestreak as he was the first G1 Autobot car I ever had. )

Sunstreaker ( He's Sideswipe's brother and looks like being an original mold. Unmissable. )

Shockwave ( Possibly my favorite Decepticon. )

The others would be subject to certain conditions,

Jazz ( Porsche 935 alt mode or don't bother. )

Breakdown ( Would have to be his own mold and part of a fully combining Stunticons set. )

MP Stunticons would nuke the sales of FansProject's so it's not beyond the realms of possibility that Takara are planning to kill the 3rd party set in the same way that MP Soundwave did to the Fans Toys one and in this case I'd be all for it as FP's first 2 Stunticons have ****ty alt modes.

Megatron V2 ( Has to be considerably better than V1 in robot mode and in a similar scale to Faith Leader. )

Galvatron ( Depends on how close to the '86 movie it looks. )

Ultra Magnus ( Depends on whether the armor is any good. )
There is some fantastic news there on the MP line up If we see Then I will literally explode.

Some amazing pieces due I really can't wait for the Prowl & repaints all of them will be must haves.

I would love to see Jazz as well but I'm not sure how they will fare with the license as I'm not sure Porsche will give the authority to do it.

I'll definitely be all over the Tapes as soon as they are released.
I still remember getting Ravage & Rumble when I was in hospital having grommits fitted as a kid.

Magnus will be a must as well if they do the armour.

Oh why are these so far away ;) lol

There is some fantastic news there on the MP line up If we see Then I will literally explode.

Some amazing pieces due I really can't wait for the Prowl & repaints all of them will be must haves.

I would love to see Jazz as well but I'm not sure how they will fare with the license as I'm not sure Porsche will give the authority to do it.

I'll definitely be all over the Tapes as soon as they are released.
I still remember getting Ravage & Rumble when I was in hospital having grommits fitted as a kid.

Magnus will be a must as well if they do the armour.

Oh why are these so far away ;) lol


I think I'm probably going to crack and order Soundwave soon as a display with his 5 main tapes will be too awesome to miss....I'll learn to get used to the redesigned feet :lol

The one advantage about knowing what's coming is that it allows for more time to budget for things and it also means that we have some idea of the pricing for each release.

Soundwave's buddies aren't likely to break the bank and even if prices go up a bit the Autobot cars should still be under £90 which would be well worth it if Sunstreaker and the 3 Nissans are as good as Sideswipe & Red Alert.
Not sure TBQH. You do have a point in that they might EVENTUALLY get back to him, , though with MP 16-20 already mapped out and scheduled for release in the next 2-3 years, I'd say Tak has their hands fulll.

That's fine with me. And if I do get impatient I'm sure it won't be TOO hard to get an American version eventually.

The section where you have to manipulate the leg panel that's fixed to that thin armature is a bit scary and the thin panels that hang off the back of the arms probably wouldn't stand up to rough treatment either but at that sort of price the only kids that will get to play them are probably spoiled ones :lol

Hehe. Yeah, those were the parts I was thinking of as well.

Lucky kids though. :)

Insider news about Takara mp-11 Thundercracker and Skywarp.

There are takara employees and insiders on Other transformer boards looking for people to middleman them They Hasbro Toys R us Thundercracker. While they can't confirm this is because Tak has no plans to make one, it's pretty easy to infer that's what it means.

and if Thundercracker is off the table, It makes sense there will be no skywarp either.

if the consumer response to MP-11 Thundercracker stays this positive.

In related news, my bank-account destroying masterpiece sunstorm arrived.

Congrats on the Sunstorm!

Well, I think the key thing to take away here is that there are no plans for either of them anytime soon. And that's fine.

Maybe Takara and Hasbro are playing together so that the collectors from both markets will want to buy the other Seeker. In the end though, both companies gotta be thinking that they'll want to make the most of the mold and release domestic versions. Not everyone buys these online after all. American kids and casual collectors will still buy an MP Starscream at TRU and Japanese kids will buy Thundercracker at local stores as well, without knowing there was a version they could have imported earlier.
Congrats on the Sunstorm!

Yeah, now you know why I had to delay shipping your box. Big Bad toy store gave me no notice on shipping, they just billed me :lol

Maybe Takara and Hasbro are playing together so that the collectors from both markets will want to buy the other Seeker. In the end though, both companies gotta be thinking that they'll want to make the most of the mold and release domestic versions. Not everyone buys these online after all. American kids and casual collectors will still buy an MP Starscream at TRU and Japanese kids will buy Thundercracker at local stores as well, without knowing there was a version they could have imported earlier.

Could be, though Occam's razor would challenge that. Time Will tell :)
It's got to be said.......... most of the time Third Parties just do it better !!! :lol



It's got to be said.......... most of the time Third Parties just do it better !!! :lol




It's not even a close contest with those particular characters and they and other 3rd party releases have undoubtedly played a part in embarrassing Takara into taking a fresh approach to the Masterpiece line.

If there was some sort of mod to make Hegemon a couple of inches taller I'd probably get one as the robot mode is easily the best of any attempt at G1 Megatron so far but I'll probably wait & see what the V2 Masterpiece is like first.
True that 3rd party releases are IMO a lot better than many official toys and collectibles (not all). Specially if you are into G1. Classic/Generations isn't a bad line, but most of those new/coming generations FOC figures are just awful. I wish we could see some classic characters with minor tweaking, but no. How about combiners...durrr PCC and that awful turd called FOC Bruticus. Wait, what are 3rd party manufacturers creating; Hercules, Giant and now Superion. Awesome.

Though I have to give it to Takara (and hasbro) that they are keeping MP-line alive and hopefully we get more interesting new MP-figures. Although Megatron V2 would be a welcome indeed. I have pre-ordered Soundwave and Sideswipe and those really look good. I just hope that many of those MP news would be real. Stunticons combiner with MP treatment would be really cool. Or do we have to wait that some 3rd party company is doing it for us.
Hey darkknight, your PM inbox is full. Just wanted to thank you for the trade - finally got me a PRiD Vehicon! :)

Thanks man, I couldn't agree more. Hegemon really is the Megs I've been waiting for. Proper alt mode FTW !!!


Robot mode speaks for itself......




Yeah, it's nice... Like Corsair, I'm looking for a bigger Megatron - basically Faith Leader or MP-10 sized. I like to mix and match Classics, MPs and third party figures but Hegemon is just too small.

I'm also not a big fan of the legs/hand grip, especially in alt mode, but the texture looks weird in bot mode too. Not sure why they did that...

Yeah, now you know why I had to delay shipping your box. Big Bad toy store gave me no notice on shipping, they just billed me :lol

Heh, no prob.

So how many MP Seekers does that make for you?
Walmart starscream, Walmart skyward, and mp-11 sunstorm. Need thundercracker now. With his faction change in the idw comics, he's become my favorite seeker.
Might pick up a mp-11 starscream eventually.
Finally got a FE CJ, all I need is a FE Bulkhead, if anyone has one for sale PM me. Thanks DPrime for the trade! :rock

Congrats DK!! :rock

It's got to be said.......... most of the time Third Parties just do it better !!! :lol



damn the vans really turned out great!!! Very very tempted. The price is just whats holding me back

That Megatron turned out a lot better than I thought it would as well, but like DPrime said, I'm looking for something MP sized for a proper G1 Megatron

Hey darkknight, your PM inbox is full. Just wanted to thank you for the trade - finally got me a PRiD Vehicon! :)

congrats on finally getting a vehicon DPrime! Sorry that I was never able to find one for you
DPrime said:
Yeah, it's nice... Like Corsair, I'm looking for a bigger Megatron - basically Faith Leader or MP-10 sized. I like to mix and match Classics, MPs and third party figures but Hegemon is just too small.

I'm also not a big fan of the legs/hand grip, especially in alt mode, but the texture looks weird in bot mode too. Not sure why they did that...
Hegemon is a great size for a purely classics display as he is pretty much the same height as the Classics/Henkei. He is deffo to small for the upcoming MP line or even a mixed display for those using Faith leader though.

I'm really looking forward to seeing how Takara handle the new MP Megs, and will be more than happy if they take some cues from this guy but refine them a bit.

I actually don't mind the legs or handle of the gun as I prefer a slightly compramised gun to make the robot proportions better (I'm looking at you MP 5). Lets face it most Megatrons will be in robot mode 99% of the time anyway. For me he is easily the best transforming version of G1 Megs to date.
