Almost Human

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I read this article about Fox pulling a "Firefly" on this show and aired a bunch of episodes out of order. No wonder why some of the stories felt disjointed.

I hope Fox didn't cause the death of another promising Sci-Fi show prematurely by messing with the scheduling of the episodes.

I've been on pins and needles week to week waiting on news that Almost Human, my new favorite sci-fi show, will be safe for a second season. The show, which has its flaws, has won a top spot in my heart due mainly to its setting and the awesome dynamic between Michael Ealy and Karl Urban. A couple months back I wrote an article talking about how much better the show would be if it had further pursued the long term story set up in the pilot episode from the get go as opposed to disregarding it and having "filler" episodes. Recently the show has revisited the original plot and things have gotten really good, but now I'm reading that this wasn't an issue with the show, BUT WITH FOX REARRANGING EPISODES.

Now, I know it happens occasionally that networks switch episodes around to tease viewers or to accommodate schedule changes, but these changes are insane. Below, check out the order that the episodes aired paired with their true episode numbers to the right in parenthesis.

1 Pilot (1)
2 Skin (5)
3 Are you Receiving?(6)
4 The Bends (7)
5 Blood Brothers (8)
6 Arrhythmia (3)
7 Simon Says (10)
8 You Are Here (2)
9 Unbound (9)
10 Perception (4)
11 Disrupt (11)
12 Beholder (12)
13 Straw Man (13)

This explains why there are inconsistencies with John Kennex's urgency to discover the truth of what happened in the pilot and almost seeming nonchalant on the issue almost immediately after. Showrunner J.J. Wyman came out and said that this rearranging wouldn't be an issue for the first seven episodes, but it clearly has had an impact on the quality of the show as the rearranging is happening at a far too excessive rate. It's stupid, and as fans of the show will notice, the show would've flowed much better if they had been aired in the originally intended order. Now the show is in limbo and there is no certainty that we will get another season of this great show! Thanks to Reddit for bringing this to my attention!
Why do that? It makes no sense! Come one Fox, stop screwing around. Renew this and reshow it in the original order.
I've only recently started watching this and so far, I'm liking it. Just wish that they weren't trying to make Kennex and Stahl hook up. The show doesn't need romance.

Yeah, there's already a budding bro-mance going on! :lol
It's fox, it's run by a bunch of idiots. I love this show but $5 says it gets cancelled in favour of some more ****** comedies that will get cancelled after a season.
I don't know why they're rearranging shows, maybe they needed to touch up something with certain episodes, but the show has seemed its strongest the last few eps and they're the ones that have been in order, so hopefully they keep this on track now.
I don't know why they're rearranging shows, maybe they needed to touch up something with certain episodes, but the show has seemed its strongest the last few eps and they're the ones that have been in order, so hopefully they keep this on track now.

There is only 13 episodes, they just aired the last of those episodes and haven't been renewed yet so...
I knew it. I knew it. I knew it. There was something fishy with this series and how that main story arc played out over the entire season and how it was so bungled that I knew that Fox had played the episodes in all the wrong order. Fox was trying to kill this show by doing this. I guarantee it because of their track record with genre pieces like this. I think this happened with the first season of Fringe too. I cannot believe these idiots can getaway with pulling this ****. Well, look what happened. It got really good ratings and they renewed it. They better figure out what they want to do next year because fans like me are going to stop tuning in if they don't get back to what really happened with Kennix and what's so damn important in that police evidence room which has got to be the biggest Macguffin on television right now.
There is only 13 episodes, they just aired the last of those episodes and haven't been renewed yet so...

Wow... thats pretty ******, I thought it was just hitting its stride, be a shame if it ends here.
I will be bummed if this show is cancelled. Is it perfect? Nope; in fact, almost all the side characters had no personal development growth of almost any kind until EP 10 or EP 11. The ep where Minka Kelly is revealed to be a Chrome? they did more character stuff in that one ep, than the rest of the eps combined. It was good stuff, just hope 'not too little, too late'
Wife and I really enjoy this. Has a lot of fun stuff and no vampires(which we like also).
Rumor has it that this isn't going to be renewed. If this was on another network, it might stand a chance, but leave it to FOX to screw it up. :(
Rumor has it that this isn't going to be renewed. If this was on another network, it might stand a chance, but leave it to FOX to screw it up. :(

Who the **** is running the show at Fox? Serious firings need to happen.
I'd wager it has more to do with production costs than ratings. Unless it's a monster ad revenue generating hit, a show like that is going to have a hard time surviving on any network.
I'd wager it has more to do with production costs than ratings. Unless it's a monster ad revenue generating hit, a show like that is going to have a hard time surviving on any network.

That's the problem. Production cost vs viewers. It went from it's first show of 9.18 million viewers to the last show that was on at 5.5. Of course nothing is mentioned of the Olympics being on etc. during that time. Networks don't take chances with shows like they used to in the past, especially expensive ones. They used to leave shows on for a couple of seasons to let it find it's footing. Now they just replace it with something even worse. Too bad it wasn't on TNT or AMC.
Oh well, at least they'll replace it with a couple of garbage comedy shows that will also be cancelled after a season that I'll never watch. I'm just grateful I got a season of it.

If you want a show made that isn't a dime a dozen comedy, do not go to fox.
Fox shot themselves in the foot on this show. I read somewhere that a majority of the episodes were not shown in chronological order, similar to what they did to Firefly. Makes you wonder what kind of a cluster the Batman show will turn into.