An insightful and talkative interview with Christian Bale regarding Metal Gear Solid

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Super Freak
Jan 14, 2008
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Josh Horowitz from MTV news recently chatted with Christian Bale about games - specifically MGS - and his involvement in the possible film:

MTV: Metal Gear Solid, is this something you've ever talked about doing as a film?

Bale: No.

MTV: Are you a video game fan?

Bale: Yeah.

MTV: What do you play?

Bale: That. Metal Gear Solid.

MTV: You play it?

Bale: Yeah.

MTV: How many hours does that suck out of you on a weekly basis?

Bale: You know what, no, I've kinda devoted my time to more constructive things of late. You know?

Bale is usually very curt and concise during interviews, so this is the usual for him. Very professional, Mr. Bale. :lol

A clip of the interview:

link to the video:
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He is the man. If I was Bale, I'd be out spending my millions of dollars instead of being at home playing video games.
He is the man. If I was Bale, I'd be out spending my millions of dollars instead of being at home playing video games.
Who wouldnt?Bale as snake would be bad.There wont be any good snake only cause voice will be different than david hayter's
^ You gotta be kidding? (no offens, just personally I cannot see it)

Bale FTW, but Eastwood in his younger years would have been perfect.
Hope Bale stays far away from anything to do with a live action movie of MGS, he's ruined enough films characters already.

JohhnyUtah - he is a popular choice, though my pov is I'm not sure if Eric Bana would pull off capturing the depth of character that is Snake ..Bana is good in supporting roles, but seems to lack punch when he is the central role/star in mainstream films.

I'd rather that Hayter do the role of Snake. At best, he would know the feel of the character and how to convey the personality of Snake ..likeness to the character though would need a lot of attention :)
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Bana looks the part of Snake for vote is in for him, he is a great actor.
haha, I get the impression that Christian Bale has no idea what Metal Gear Solid is. I've seen a few interviews with that MTV guy and most people like to give him a hard time cuz he's such a goon.

Kinda like when Josh Brolin told him that they were working on Goonies 2.
yeah, i'd probably go for Eric Bana to play the part of Snake. he kinda looks like the twin snakes' Snake. but Bale would be cool too, who knows! i think the mgs1 story line if done as in the game could be a great resident evil take on mgs please!