it's good to have an excuse to bring this thread back to life. I was painting this Anakin cast that I allocated for myself, whilst waiting for some primer to dry on some Obi-Wan casts (I'm still not sure if I like the paintjob... I'll probably tweek some things tomorrow) and I figured I might as well take a few snaps.
The paint was still drying as I took these, so it hasn't been dull-coted or had the eyes glossed, or like I said, if I'm even happy with the paintjob, but it seems like years since I've been waiting to have my new sculpt
finally back on my Anakin body and up on the shelf shelf misses my figures when I'm working on them
For those who are waiting I'll send out some pm's in the morning with info
These are flash pics (it's daark here nearly now) so expect them to look bad. But it gives you an idea of what the sculpt looks like.
.....better... hopefully, lol
EDIT: as I don't have an original Jedi Anakin head to compare it to, I'd put it next to a vader head... so ignore the paint, it's just there to show the differences in sculpt
I look forward to some of the other talented repainters getting hold of these at some point, 'cause I want to see what they look like when someone
really talented paints them