Thanks a lot guys, I'm just waiting for the matt clear coat to dry then I can gloss the eyes... and FINALLY get the figure back together. yay!
It's funny, as I was painting this, it was clear to me that I had managed to do a 'neater' paint job than my previous attempt (mixture of getting better, and using white primer instead of grey... needed less paint). But regardless of being a technically superior job, for me it just didn't 'look' like Hayden. Right up until near the end.
All it took was the dry brushing of blusher/tan colouring on the cheeks... his scar, and a finishing detail on the lips... and *bam!* .... it WAS Hayden.
I was so sure that I'd have to wait until somebody else painted it to see how good it could look, lol. I was all ready to accept that it looked less like Hayden than my previous attempt... but would still be good enough for me.
But luckily for me i love it! yay me! lol
As for the people who had already been in touch in pm, I'll be sending messages out in the next hour or so with an update.
Customikey said:
I must say they look fabulous. I think I'd like to get two Anakins, Hunky, to see what your sculpt looks like with Sith Eyes. You've done amazing work here.
And the paint is superb. You're an excellent artist all around.
Mikey, you're on the list my friend. I'm going to do a Sith version too (well i
did buy both Anakins... would be a shame not to use the sculpt on both) but I suspect you or someone else will get to do it before me. I have too much on my plate for now, but I really look forward to seeing yours.
pixletwin said:
My Kurgan Lord. I must say that your Anakin custom is THE BEST I have seen anywhere.

Way to go Hunky!
Thank you kind sir, you're too kind.
Wor-Gar said:
That really does look like Hayden. Awesome job!
Love that little piece of hair in front too.
Thanks Wor. Yeah I wanted the hair to be slightly more messy than how it came originally, because I knew some people (and myself) will be painting these as Sith versions, so I wanted it to be able to pass for 'calm Jedi' and also 'fighting Sith' Anakins.
carbo-fation said:
That looks amazing Hunky! I can't wait to see your repaint of Legolas when you finally get him!:chew :chew
Legolas?? Blimey give me a rest.... I still have these Ani's and Obi's to do... and a Qui-Gon to resculpt, and some small Trek resculpts.. and a Stargate into a MacGuver figure... and... and.....
Legolas is WAY down the list so far.
but yeah.... you can bet I'll be repainting him (if he needs it... of course)
Xander said:
Defintely the best Anakin repaint/retool I've seen to date! I'm with the majority here, I love the peice on the forehead
you're all being way too kind here... I wouldn't say it was that good. Let's wait and see how some others paint it... that I'm looking forward too!
Memnoch21 said:
Darren when you send out those PMs, drop me one as well. Amazing work.
will do sir...and thanks
can't wait till tomorrow when I can put the figure back together and see how it all looks back on the shelf. Better than my previous one I'm hoping after all this bloody work