Thanks for the comments guys!!!
The brushes I had to use are somewhat old with dried paint on them. I hope to pick up some nice fine tip brushes and clear gloss to make better eyes in the near future.
Hayden's hair varied from a dirty blonde, to reddish brown, to dark brown, depending on the lighting throughout film. So I just chose a hair color I thought would look best for the character. It still might be too dark for some people's tastes.
Based on many photos, I noticed that Hayden's eyes are more of blue-gray green, than a straight blue. So I mixed dark green with different hues of blue.
Hayden's lips are quite full of color, so I tried to achieve a natural colored tone, while at the same time, trying to avoid the lipstick effect.
His skin tone looks darker in the pics, under yellow fluorescent lighting than it does in natural sunlight. Again, I tried a balance of colors because it varies so much on film.
I made a conscious effort to reduce the bushiness of his eyebrows, but if you look at photos of Hayden, his eyebrows aren't exactly thin so I couldn't trim them too much. But I did lower them closer to his eyes.
I want to reduce the furrow between his eyes because I painted his eyebrows in more of a relaxed state and I want to take advantage of the furrow for the Vader Anakin. I'm not sure if this is possible yet. But fortunately, the furrow is not too noticeable in these pics.
Also, you might notice that Hayden has very round eyes, whereas this sculpt has eyes that more oval. At first, I tried to make it look like he was squinting, but then his irises looked a bit too large. So I made them smaller and attempted to raise them because Hayden tends to have a white gap below the irises, even when he's not necessarily looking up. I also reduced the corners of his eyes by a slight amount.
I'm not sure if the scar on the side of his face is dark enough. I may have understated it too much. But I was just going by various pictures and I notice that the makeup artists varied the darkness and redness of it from scene to scene. I also know that scars fade to about that color over time. And with Star Wars technology, you would think they would have something better than Mederma.
Anyway, please don't be shy and let me know what you don't like about the paint job, so I can improve it further.