Hey everyone I just have an update on the status of the kits. I have tried really hard to get these out before the holidays but it doesn't seem like that is possible. I really don't wanna rush too much because I want to make quality stuff. The main reason I wont be able to finish in time is that finals are fast approaching and I really need to focus my time on that right now. And by the time my finals end it will be madness at the post office and I don't want anything to get lost.
Everyone will get their kits that they paid for I promise that

I just hope you are all ok with a slight delay in the time frame. I am really sorry about this if you were expecting your stuff sooner. Its my last year of school and this is my hardest semester yet plus holidays so they got me in a bind haha. On a positive note this will give me more time to work on the stuff and allow it all to come out with the best possible quality. Again very sorry for the delays but everything will get their stuff as promised