Animal Cruelty

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those who eat meat participate in some form of animal brutality. worse are the dog cat lovers that disgust at some cultures who eat them but these owner eats pork/beef.

Don't care.

yeah but in a culture of convenience where uneducated low paying peeps are hired to do the killing its less likely.

Don't care.

the same thing with NFL I can't patronize a product that not only gives a dog fighter second chance but treats him like some model citizen now because he plays good.

Don't care.

yeah but if meat is so good for us how come we can't eat it directly raw, causes health problems and stays stuck putrefying the digestive parts longer than vegetables fruits and nuts?

Don't care.

humans are not any more valuable, they are just the more arrogant species thinking everything else is inferior to their domination. you see any other form of life on earth that has damaged the earth as much as humans?

Don't care.

has she tried Floradix for iron?

Don't care.

oh yeah why dont you try this, take a piece of meat just boil it no salt no seasoning nothing. when its all cook put it in your mouth chew it and just leave it in your mouth for ten - fifteen minutes.

Don't care.

yeah this is what I use for iron, not sure if it works but it tastes okay. but you cant take it for vegan because it has bee vomit in it

Don't care.

yeah in the end its not the meat that tastes good what you are enjoying are the sauces and seasoning that make it such. the dog is a natural meat eater so giving it to him raw with no flavors is like eating a crisp delicious apple for us. dogs also have shorter digestive tracts so they can defecate the rotting meat quickly how come humans havent evolved to that too and you can still smell the meat weeks later when you have a bowel movement?

also babies smell more when they drink animal milk instead of soy/almond/rice milk

Don't care.

the peoples lose their teeth because they abuse them with sugars, diet soft drinks and tobacco chews. if these werent around the teeth would last a lifetime like the fossils.

but speaking of the teeth so how come most of them are flat and not all sharp to be able to shred and rip apart meat like the tigers and bears. so cooking does two things it makes the meat softer so we can bite and makes it cooked not raw so we can digest but is it natural?

Don't care.

dont mean to throw this off topic but what about milk. is it odd humans drink cow, goat other milk from different species? how would you feel if your mums bottled their breast milk after you were born to feed to hippos and wolves?

and would you eat the pizza if it wasnt mozzarela but had your aunt's tata milk in it?

Don't care.

yeah the thing about Michael Vick is that he is hailed great now because he is generating money for society. you know humans know no past pain loyalty or righteous causes when it comes to making money, backstab your best friend for some. it was supposed to be the same for OJ Simpson after they released him from murder but it didnt work out like they were hoping. well, except for Kardashian.

Don't care.

I used to like to eat liver then this guy who does dumpster diving said to me that if the liver one of its main jobs is to detoxify poisons and bad stuffs entering the body, why am I eating something that had all these yuckies go through it?

Don't care.

yeah but how about when youve gotten food poisoning can you say it was more from vegetable/fruit than meat meals?

Don't care.

the worstest sons of _____es are those who declaw their cats. go remove your fingernails first and see how it feels

Don't care.

Don't care.

and a lot of your Misses buy cosmetics that were used to test on animals like fluffy furry bunnies.

Don't care.

I don't know how to embed videos but if you didnt see this already

Don't care.
Don't care.

Don't care.

Don't care.

Don't care.

Don't care.

Don't care.

Don't care.

Don't care.

Don't care.

Don't care.

Don't care.

Don't care.

Don't care.

Don't care.

Don't care.

Don't care.

Don't care.

Don't care.

In that thread that has since been deleted by the mods you said Vick has lost so much because of the dog fighting and you made it seem like he's suffered so much and it wasn't fair for us to bring up his past. I'd dig up the quotes, but Chicky deleted them all when we all couldn't play nice.

First off is that even close to me saying Vick is Christ? Second, I never said it wasn't fair to bring up his past. I simply said enough. It's been hashed and rehashed over and over again. Third I never said he "suffered so much". If you can't get your quotes right don't bother trying to quote. I DID say that he was punished to the fullist extent of the law and did his time. So according to our legal system he paid his dues. Like it or not.

Finally, I don't approve AT ALL what he did. Am I willing to forgive? Not 100%.

Now all that said look at the positives that have come out of his arrest. One cannot deny the millions of dollars that the Eagles have contributed to the ASPCA. Nor the time Vick has put into community service and educating our youth about this type of horrible crimes. At least the dollars and community service are being given to a good organization versus one that endorses terrorists.

Of course that STILL does not make it right that the crime was committed. You can't go back and change the past. What you CAN do is work on how to prevent it in the future.

So do you have any other words you would like to put in my mouth?
First off is that even close to me saying Vick is Christ? Second, I never said it wasn't fair to bring up his past. I simply said enough. It's been hashed and rehashed over and over again. Third I never said he "suffered so much". If you can't get your quotes right don't bother trying to quote. I DID say that he was punished to the fullist extent of the law and did his time. So according to our legal system he paid his dues. Like it or not.

Finally, I don't approve AT ALL what he did. Am I willing to forgive? Not 100%.

Now all that said look at the positives that have come out of his arrest. One cannot deny the millions of dollars that the Eagles have contributed to the ASPCA. Nor the time Vick has put into community service and educating our youth about this type of horrible crimes. At least the dollars and community service are being given to a good organization versus one that endorses terrorists.

Of course that STILL does not make it right that the crime was committed. You can't go back and change the past. What you CAN do is work on how to prevent it in the future.

So do you have any other words you would like to put in my mouth?

That's the first time you've ever stated your opinion that clearly. Usually when we bring up Vick you use emtioncons to make it seem like we're boring or being silly. When I brought up how successful Vick is this year your response was that he will never be MVP etc because of a bias towards him from "stupid PETA people."

The Christ comment might have been a bit of a stretch. For that I apologize. But to tell people to get over something that was so horrible is a stretch as well. Especially when the media is calling him a hero.
My member thinks about just one thing,



Sorry... I couldn't resist myself:monkey1
Or multi-million dollar NFL contracts, anyway :monkey3



In other news, this doesn't seem too bad:

<object width="480" height="400" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" id="ordie_player_015bb0f2e3"><param name="movie" value="" /><param name="flashvars" value="key=015bb0f2e3" /><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed width="480" height="400" flashvars="key=015bb0f2e3" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" quality="high" src="" name="ordie_player_015bb0f2e3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed></object><div style="text-align:left;font-size:x-small;margin-top:0;width:480px;"><a href="" title="from Greatest Comedy Sketches">Monkey Torture by The State</a> - watch more <a href="" title="on Funny or Die">funny videos</a></div>
Jewish people might object to having Michael Vick's two-bit dog-fighting ring equated with the systematic extermination of their race by Adolf Hitler.


I wasnt equating dog fighting with genocide. I was joking that even Hitler would have been forgiven had he been an all star quarter back.....
yeah but if meat is so good for us how come we can't eat it directly raw, causes health problems and stays stuck putrefying the digestive parts longer than vegetables fruits and nuts?

Ok quig...let me ask you a question. If human beings shouldnt eat meat...why do you have to take an iron suppliment?

Let me put that another way...those suppliments that you take (even the alllllll natural ones) are man made. I doubt highly that you, on your own, make your iron suppliments from materials that you could gather in nature all by your lonesome. You say that cooking meat is unatural...yet you take a suppliment prepared by humans?

Suppliment IMPLIES by definition, that you are replacing something YOU NEED for something else that gives the same result. So, if you want me to respect your point of view...stop taking the iron suppliment and find a food that grows alll by itself out in nature and isnt formulated in some way by human beings that gives you adequate iron amounts....
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