that's a good question, man. how much is too much to spend on a figure? i guess the measure of something's worth is the value YOU, personally, attach to it. if u think it's worth it, then it's not too much. then again, there IS indeed a limit.
case in point: last night i was outbid on a hot toys robocop1. the final price was usd340! before shipping!!

i was totally up for it, right until the very last minute, where i kinda hesitated upping the bid above my ceiling amount. and when i committed to match the final bid, i was too late. i was obviously pretty disappointed at losing one of my grail pieces. but in a way, i was glad. cos that's a LOT of $$$ to drop on a 1/6 figure.
so the same kinda applies for anime figures, i guess. if i had loads of cash to spare i would've gotten the eve figure without a 2nd thought, AND won the ht robo too. but reality's a pain, ain't it....
btw, thanks. i've never reached 1000 posts on any forum before. but still waay behind your 3000+, dude!