Ant-Man Figure Discussion thread

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Good to hear... I didn't actually think to look at funkos site for that, it usually doesn't work that way :lol
It's ok. I've just been stalking them for SDCC exclusives. They release them on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday until the 29th I think.
After all these major slugfests - Cap, Thor, AOU, I'm kinda looking forward to this film, being more down to earth. Rudd is fine - he can be very funny and charming, and I love the fact that Pym is a man, like Banner and Stark. I always liked Pym in the comics, especially when he got darker. I'm not sure I need Ant-Man in 1/6, but if the Rudd likeness is good enough, and the film is great, I just might :)
After all these major slugfests - Cap, Thor, AOU, I'm kinda looking forward to this film, being more down to earth.
:exactly: Just like the earlier Marvel movies, contained within its own little part of the MCU with just a few characters :clap its a nice break after Avengers lol
Waiting on Ant-Man Hot Toys! Hopefully we see something close to the movie coming out or after at San Diego Comic Con! :rock
In the story, this suit was designed in 1960's, I think there will be a big difference to compare with the designs in the coming movies CW/ infinity war
I think films like this are going to be problematic for those of us that, with exceptions, try and keep to one figure per character. For me the exceptions are different interpretations of a character (so Keaton, Bale and Affleck Batman) and Iron Man.

Ant-Man is going to be like Starlord as I passed on the figures having not seen the movie and while I could still pick one up I would rather wait for the sequel now (I have too many figures on my list right now and part of me hopes for the shorter jacket). The age old question of do you pick up his debut costume or wait until next year where we could assume we get the option on a more up to date version (Mark 3 vs Mark 'Im not sure which I should write' or TFA vs AoU Cap debate).
In the story, this suit was designed in 1960's, I think there will be a big difference to compare with the designs in the coming movies CW/ infinity war

I'm hoping it get redesigned for Civil War but idk, I like how it looks atm and I'm kinda attached :lol
I will just tell myself Ant Man is there somewhere in my Hot Toys collection. That's how he's supposed to be in battle mode.
Easy resolve, and pass.
Some rumor says antman's suit will have modern upgrade in civil war, and have the ability to change bigger size, I quite believe in that, this is my wish.
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