Any chance of a Sideshow Darth Vader Apprentice figure?

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Sorry man. I am not a PT or EU hater. I love PT even more than OT and I really enjoy the EU, so that argument doesn´t work against me. And please GL mistakes shouldn´t be an excuse to exonerate EU from his sins.

the Star Wars universe DOES exist outside of the OT, 90% of the EU material was made official canon by GL himself (he approves the plot of every novel, comic, game, etc)

Are you sure?

"There are two worlds here," explained Lucas. "There’s my world, which is the movies, and there’s this other world that has been created, which I say is the parallel universe – the licensing world of the books, games and comic books. They don’t intrude on my world, which is a select period of time, [but] they do intrude in between the movies. I don’t get too involved in the parallel universe."

"I don't read that stuff. I haven't read any of the novels. I don't know anything about that world. That's a different world than my world. But I do try to keep it consistent. The way I do it now is they have a Star Wars Encyclopedia. So if I come up with a name or something else, I look it up and see if it has already been used. When I said [other people] could make their own Star Wars stories, we decided that, like Star Trek, we would have two universes: My universe and then this other one. They try to make their universe as consistent with mine as possible, but obviously they get enthusiastic and want to go off in other directions."

"They have their own kind of world. There's three pillars of Star Wars. I'll probably get in trouble for this but it's OK! There's three pillars: the father, the son and the holy ghost. I'm the father, Howard Roffman [president of Lucas Licensing] is the son and the holy ghost is the fans, this kind of ethereal world of people coming up with all kinds of different ideas and histories. Now these three different pillars don't always match, but the movies and TV shows are all under my control and they are consistent within themselves. Howard tries to be consistent but sometimes he goes off on tangents and it's hard to hold him back. He once said to me that there are two Star Trek universes: there's the TV show and then there's all the spin-offs. He said that these were completely different and didn't have anything to do with each other. So I said, "OK, go ahead." In the early days I told them that they couldn't do anything about how Darth Vader was born, for obvious reasons, but otherwise I pretty much let them do whatever they wanted. They created this whole amazing universe that goes on for millions of years!"

"So how did Anakin get that scar, George?" asks John Knoll.
"I don't know. Ask Howard," says George, referring to President of Lucas Licensing Howard Roffman. "That's one of those things that happens in the novels between the movies. I just put it there. He has to explain how it got there. I think Anakin got it slipping in the bathtub, but of course, he's not going to tell anybody that."

That is the reason why Lucasfilms (not Lucas) created 5 diferent levels of canon.
Just started the game, and my save has vanished...excuse to make me play on a higher difficulty I guess...luckily my achievements remain....
1st) I wasn't accusing you of being a PT & EU hater. I was making an observation of other posts both here and abroad in the forums. So sorry if you thought that was aimed at ya. It wasn't.

2nd) I never said he writes the stories or even reads them. He's too friggin' busy with Lucasfilm, THX, ILM, etc.. He does approve the plots though. This is borrowed from Wikipedia:

"George Lucas retains ultimate creative control over the Star Wars universe. For example, the "death" of central characters and similar changes in the status quo must first pass his screening before authors are given the go-ahead. In addition, Lucasfilm Licensing devotes considerable effort to ensure continuity between the works of various authors across multiple companies. Nothing in the Expanded Universe is supposed to contradict the films or any other part of the Expanded Universe. Upon occasion, Lucas's new films, reedited Original Trilogy films, or statements have contradicted existing EU material, and several retcons have been used to fix these inconsistencies."

There's also an interesting list of examples on Wikipedia of times Lucas, himself, has actually utilized EU for the films and an explanation about The Ewok Adventures which by PT and EU haters' standards and statements, should be official canon by very definition! :rotfl: (click here)

But technically, this is a debate for another thread... Alongside the apprentice (2-pack Jedi/Sith), I'd love to see a 12" version of General Kota and possibly a battle-damaged Vader in 12" scale much like the one from Hasbro where you can choose to display him all messed up or slightly damaged.
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1st) I wasn't accusing you of being a PT & EU hater. I was making an observation of other posts both here and abroad in the forums. So sorry if you thought that was aimed at ya. It wasn't.


2nd) I never said he writes the stories or even reads them. He's too friggin' busy with Lucasfilm, THX, ILM, etc.. He does approve the plots though. This is borrowed from Wikipedia:

As you can see in my last post, Lucas doesn´t approve anything, it is Howard Roffman who does it. As for Lucas using EU for the movies, he clearly says when he is searching for a new concept or secondary character he takes a look at the SW Encycopledia and if he finds something cool he uses it for the movies. He only uses it if there is something cool, not because he wants to be consistent with the EU.

My problem with the game is they give it the same status than the movies. The way they made it, there wouldn´t be a OT as we all know without Starkiller. I think there are certain limits that the EU must not cross and this is one on them, because if not what will be next, a Jedi R4 unit that makes him autoexplode so Luke chooses R2 instead of him. :naughty
Oh dear sweet...something...

Sith Lord difficulty is an absolute *****....

What outfit for the apprentice would you guys want?

I think the same one he wears in Soul Calibur IV...
I like the ripped up outfit. I think it is the 3rd one you get. I haven't seen the Soul Caliber one, is it the normal first outfit? If so then that would be cool.
I think there are certain limits that the EU must not cross and this is one on them, because if not what will be next, a Jedi R4 unit that makes him autoexplode so Luke chooses R2 instead of him. :naughty

funny you should say that, there is a non-cannon short story in the star wars tales comics that is exactly that. Skippy the jedi droid......
Played this game through twice for both endings. Good game, with great potential, but ended up being a missed opportunity to be a fantastic game.

Should have had months more bug testing, but its obvious this game was rushed towards the end. Bugs galore. Falling out of maps, non progressions, lost game saves, broken AI, and more. I wasnt even actively searching for them. Imagine if we try to find them!

Please dont get me started on the story. Too many holes, and it doesnt fit with the rest of the SW universe without some heavy convincing. Its obvious it was written as an afterthought once they decided they wanted an unbelievably over-the-top force power game.

And finally, I would not be interested in a Starkiller figure. He lacked any charisma or character to make him likable. The droid had more character development than him. I think if this Starkiller was a hit, you would have seen heaps of toys based on him already, but they recognize he is not very interesting. MAYBE I would be interested in his final Sith form, solely based on the cool design.

Yup. Star Wars Tales is kinda like Marvel's "What If?" series that takes small ideas and develops them into "what if?" type stories. We even have Vader meeting and battling Darth Maul (worth the read). But it's not cannon. Skippy the droid was the original R2 unit Uncle Owen chose from the Jawas. However, he had forcepowers and saw in the force that R2 was destined for greatness. Hence his autodestruction. Now those who call EU stuff crap, can take that story as such - and they'd be right. It was a horribly painful and humorless read...:(

However, I beg to differ with your earlier post. The OT would've easily happened whether TFU took place or not. Remember, it existed before TFU with it's foundation starting in ROTS. Beit Vader or his apprentice who actually kill the Jedi alive after ROTS, we all know that they eventually die anyway. As far as Vader catching the alliance, Vader wouldn't have caught them without the help of his apprentice who infiltrated the already existing group. So there would've been no need for the apprentice to rescue them either because if he hadn't handed them over to Vader, they would never have been caught. So the game resolves the problems it causes and in the end, while still absolutely fantastic, is pretty much irrelevant to the main story of the OT.

I think many people, yourself included, interpret it as the apprentice who starts the Rebel Alliance and that's where you place too much weight on the game.
I know who is Skippy. I was being ironic.

You only need to see how they advertise the game to realize how much importance they give to Starkiller and the story itself. As you said ANH is already written but they obviously wanted him to be a key character in the SW universe, someone designed to be associated with the Rebellion.
Oh dear sweet...something...

Sith Lord difficulty is an absolute *****....

What outfit for the apprentice would you guys want?

I think the same one he wears in Soul Calibur IV...

i bought the game last knight and am on felucia level for the second time ( maris brrood part) and now i REALLY want this character in 1/6 in either the costume in the tie factory or what id prefer the costume on felucia when killing shaak ti.. the rags look so badass!@

Listen sideshow please?:peace:angelsmil
i bought the game last knight and am on felucia level for the second time ( maris brrood part) and now i REALLY want this character in 1/6 in either the costume in the tie factory or what id prefer the costume on felucia when killing shaak ti.. the rags look so badass!@

Listen sideshow please?:peace:angelsmil

The costumes just get better.
The apprentice is hardcore dude, hes the same as in Force Unleashed. Still totally unfair, metal vs lightsaber was totally one sided.
Playing through it for the 3rd time, havent noticed any many bugs like everyone claimed. Its a good game.
I've noticed a lot of bugs, but none have kept me from enjoying the game...

I now want some Sith Stalker armour too...

How about a 3 pack? Regular, Ceremonial Jedi Robes and Sith Stalker the evolutions pack...but better...

Man do I want this figure...
I've noticed a lot of bugs, but none have kept me from enjoying the game...

I now want some Sith Stalker armour too...

How about a 3 pack? Regular, Ceremonial Jedi Robes and Sith Stalker the evolutions pack...but better...

Man do I want this figure...

Heck yeah :rock