I'm loving the Bridge Direct Hobbit line. They are a bit smaller, but it's not up to them to match the scale exactly of another toy line for a different movie trilogy from a different company. Judged on their own, I think they are very nicely done. They have a different feel, for sure, but one I think might be more befitting The Hobbit. It's all much "cleaner" than Toy Biz. The sculpting is really nice, even if it lacks some of nice touches of Toy Biz. In other ways, I think it's superior. The representation of Sting, for instance, with Bilbo is much more in proper scale compared to the rather cartoonishly large one in the LOTR figures.
Don't get me wrong, that doesn't mean I think LOTR was bad by any means. I think the figures are works of art, in some ways, but the Bridge Direct has a lot of it's own charms, especially when compared to the majority of figure lines out at retail today. The Toy Biz figures were made at such a different time in a different retail market.
But anyway, this is about the Toy Biz toys - not about the Hobbit line.
I just got Gandalf Stormcrow, and I kind of love this figure. His big cloak means little to no articulation, but man he looks cool! Also got the Fell Beast and... the Gondorian Swordsman! I don't think there are too many figures left I want, to be honest.