Any love for the Toybiz line???

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And they made both Frodo and Sam in the orc armor. You seen the Sam one right?

Those two are among the best of the series.
I still have all of mine.

As far as best figure goes, I'd probably go with either Gothmog or Saruon. They were the best translation from film to figure. The best actor likeness was probably Bernard Hill as Theoden. Rohan Armor Legolas was a favorite of mine for a long time.
Those are all great choices.

I really love the King of the Dead and Entranced Galadriel just as being really cool action figures too. I think both are just beautifully done and look impressive on the shelf. It's a shame Galadriel never got a figure that looked more like Cate Blanchett though. And poor Aragorn had so many horrendous figures, but at least a couple of them are pretty close.
Yeah, I don't know what happened with Aragorn. All of the headsculpts varied from figure to figure to.

I remember all the prototypes on the back of the card for nearly every figure looked fantastic though, especially the original Strider's. It went from this,



My favorite Aragorn/Strider are probably the Pelennor Fields Aragorn, Helms Deep Aragorn (the first one, not the SA ones), Council Of Elrond Strider and one of the Striders from the last Trilogy waves. I forget if it was the SA one or not.
I really like the Helms Deep Aragorn. I think that ended up closest. The Pelennor Fields one is pretty good, though the yelling mouth makes it a bit harder to hit the likeness. I am looking out for the Eldron one, but I haven't gotten that one yet.
One weird thing. I recently got King Theoden in his armor (an awesome figure) MOC. I opened him up, and there was a lot of red liquid on the inside! And, he was very sticky. He left a red residue behind. I'm guessing it's just the soft plastic excreting the liquid. It was pretty gross! :)
I have a Super Articulated Boromir that was leaking. I assume the rubber clothes have started deteriorating.
I still have mine, really love the helms deep crossbow Orc, solid figure, sauron, saruman and the 1 st age elf warrior all favourites, unfortunately in my climate not many could stand on hot days
I have all mine too.
Will always be on the lookout for the Pelennor Fields gift pack..i missed that a loose Haldir from the Elves of Middle Earth pack.
I like a lot of the always made for great Xmas presents those years.
I really liked the Cave troll and the large Treebeard figure.
In the small figures..Gimli was always a fave plus the Sam and Frodo in Orc armour and Merry in Rohan armour and Pippin in Gondorian armour ;)
Oh,and i also liked the There and Back again Hobbit pk...
Had a Cavetroll figure when FotR first came out (I was quite young)

mom threw it away because it made sounds and she doesn't like toys that make sounds

I go on ebay a couple years later to find out it was going for around $100:slap
I have all the ToyBiz stuff. I am NOT buying the Bridge Direct items.

That should tell you all you need to know.
I have all the ToyBiz stuff. I am NOT buying the Bridge Direct items.

That should tell you all you need to know.

I have all as well, with the exception of the RED box TT Arwen/horse set)

I am not impressed with the Bridge Direct. The scale does not match the TB lines, and that to me is disappointing, but o-well save some money for WETA stuff.
I'm loving the Bridge Direct Hobbit line. They are a bit smaller, but it's not up to them to match the scale exactly of another toy line for a different movie trilogy from a different company. Judged on their own, I think they are very nicely done. They have a different feel, for sure, but one I think might be more befitting The Hobbit. It's all much "cleaner" than Toy Biz. The sculpting is really nice, even if it lacks some of nice touches of Toy Biz. In other ways, I think it's superior. The representation of Sting, for instance, with Bilbo is much more in proper scale compared to the rather cartoonishly large one in the LOTR figures.

Don't get me wrong, that doesn't mean I think LOTR was bad by any means. I think the figures are works of art, in some ways, but the Bridge Direct has a lot of it's own charms, especially when compared to the majority of figure lines out at retail today. The Toy Biz figures were made at such a different time in a different retail market.

But anyway, this is about the Toy Biz toys - not about the Hobbit line. :)

I just got Gandalf Stormcrow, and I kind of love this figure. His big cloak means little to no articulation, but man he looks cool! Also got the Fell Beast and... the Gondorian Swordsman! I don't think there are too many figures left I want, to be honest.
It was great collecting the Toybiz figs, because they could be placed alongside their Weta statue or bust counterparts. The only one I was missing was the Eowyn Shieldmaiden where she looked like a cleaning woman. Other than that I still have everything, and (knock on wood) no melted gooey accessories because I live in a temperate climate.
I just got the Fell Beast/Ringwraith on Ebay! It was opened but with the original box. It's very cool, though it does look a bit tiny next to the figure riding on top.