Any Thoughts on the Plo Koon Exclusive?

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Darth Loki said:
The exclusive looks cool but I don't see the point of it. How would it benefit one in combat. It seems as if it would hinder one's movement with the sabres.

Exactly. I think it would make a little more sense if the blades were shorter like in the pic above. Kind of like a predator gauntlet. Still, I'd rather have this than a battle droid piece or something like that.
anti-hero said:
Exactly. I think it would make a little more sense if the blades were shorter like in the pic above. Kind of like a predator gauntlet. Still, I'd rather have this than a battle droid piece or something like that.

I'm glad we didn't get another battle driod piece since I decided to sell my exclusive Kit :eek:
anti-hero said:
Is anyone else seeing Mace's boots? And the tunic and pants make it look like they jsut stuck a different head and hands on Mace. Is that film accurate?

That's exactly what it looks like except for the boots. Is there any pictures of him without the cloak on?

I wish the lightsaber was blue also, but which one is right exactly?
WOW, I didn't expect that for the exclusive, pretty awesome.

With that said, I'm VERY dissappointed. I looks to come with that damn generic hilt (is it Mace's?) and not his unique one (which GG's bust has). It's green? Shouldn't it be blue? I would have taken yellow. His outfit is pretty much Mace with Kit's neck thingy.

All in all, the only thing unique about him is his Headsculpt, cloak, hands, and exclusive. WTF. I know he should be hella more different than that. This was the one figure I've been waiting for and it looks like it was thrown together from spare parts.

He should have a yellowish neck thingy, a orangish color under shirt, a rust colored tunic, BROWN pants, UNIQUE blet and UNIQUE pants. WTF is the excuse?
This is by far the worst effort they've had.:emperor
I can't find any reference on Plo's boots, but the Hasbro version also used Mace Windu style boots for theirs.

The tunic does appear to be a brick red in the stills I've seen, not that dark wheat color. I'm hoping this will be fixed prior to delivery, much like Obi's tunic fabric. I don't like how the robe's hood is folded in to form the "V" neck in front, but again perhaps SS just doesn't have the correctly cut robe yet.

I know, I know, I'm being optimistic. But why not?
I think it's mad tyte, yo!

Since SS is pulling ideas from every source, this will keep us guessing on future exclusives as well.
I really like the exclusive, it is innovative but this one is and has always been a pass for me, my first. :D
AWESOME exclusive! I'll be ordering tomorrow with my three computers and phone at the ready. That exclusive is a must have for me. I bet they fix his robe colors or at least the lightsaber. Perhaps he will come with a green (although it looks a bit yellow) and a blue saber. He looks great. He eve has those rings on his middle fingers that the Hasbro RotS figure had.

And from what I can see in the pics he has interchangeable hands. I guess Sideshow is just excited about him so much they threw him on a Mace Body and gave him Kit's lightsaber. I'm sure they will all be correct in time. This is Sideshow we are dealing with, not Hasbro. Remember, they did change Han's eye color when we said it was all wrong.

Anyone want to guess Ki-Adi Mundi's exclusive? :D
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There has been an interesting change in the SS SW line: It first started with 6 human figures (Luke, Anakin, Obi, Han, Mace, Qui-Gon) and since Maul has stayed fairly consistent with creatures (Maul, Jabba, Bib and now Plo). Exceptions being Kit and Leia/Boushh, but in general we have seen a lot of "aliens" for the last several months.

Just something to point out. Does it show us anything? Maybe. Maybe the line will swing back to humans again for 2007 OT love...

That's really neat. I'd thought about the concept art from the Art of ROTS book but never thought they'd co with it for an exclusive. Hope the touch him up a bit outfit-wise. He's supposed to have a different color sceme altogether, but I'm sure we'll see some changes down the road. Really hoping he comes with the blue saber as well as the yellow/green. I'm shooting for the Exclu. tomorrow!
Exclusive is very cool but the price difference (for EU ordering) will preclude me from getting this one direct.

Just the regular for me then.

Keep 'em coming SSC - I'm lovin it!
Buttmunch said:
I OFFICIALY Call Ki-Adi's eye patch as his exclusive or at least one of them.

Problem with that idea is that he dies in ep3 without ever wearing it. Unless there was an expanded universe story where he wore it for awhile.
Coheteboy said:
Problem with that idea is that he dies in ep3 without ever wearing it. Unless there was an expanded universe story where he wore it for awhile.

Musta burnt his eye playing with his lightsaber too much.
Coheteboy said:
Problem with that idea is that he dies in ep3 without ever wearing it. Unless there was an expanded universe story where he wore it for awhile.

Its in that same concept art Pic as Plo's Double lightsaber, so I say there is a VERY good chance of it happening because Plo never had that gaunlet either, but thats why it is such a good exclusive item: a bonus that only adds to the figure, but doesn't take anything away from it if it is not included (because it wasn't ever in the film).
Buttmunch said:
Its in that same concept art Pic as Plo's Double lightsaber, so I say there is a VERY good chance of it happening because Plo never had that gaunlet either, but thats why it is such a good exclusive item: a bonus that only adds to the figure, but doesn't take anything away from it if it is not included (because it wasn't ever in the film).

Weapons are more likely because it increases the play value and fun factor. Plo Koon was rarely on screen so who's to say that he didn't have that gauntlet? .... eye patches that mean the character suffered an injury to the eye... not as likely, unless there was a story where it did happen. At least in my opinion.

I'm wondering now how they'd handle saessee tiin. With both horns complete or with one that's cut (like in the cartoon).
Coheteboy said:
Weapons are more likely because it increases the play value and fun factor. Plo Koon was rarely on screen so who's to say that he didn't have that gauntlet? .... eye patches that mean the character suffered an injury to the eye... not as likely, unless there was a story where it did happen. At least in my opinion.

I'm wondering now how they'd handle saessee tiin. With both horns complete or with one that's cut (like in the cartoon).

Probably the broken as the exclusive. Either interchangable like Hellboy or a different head.