Yeah, I too like the taste of meat but it got to the point that every time I ate it I felt guilty. I know for a fact that I wouldn't kill the animal if it was a prerequisite to consumption. Buying meat in the market is too easy and fast food is fake. The consumer is so distant from the idea of what it actually takes to get that meat to them. Then I started researching the conditions in which these animals were kept in and how they were treated and the feeling of guilt just got worse.
So yeah, the taste is wonderful but I can't justify how the whole game is played. Plus, health wise humans are meant to eat mostly plants.
Rory- Please realize that more animals are killed when a large vegetable or, especially, a grain field is harvested.
Those huge diesel-eating machines rip through land that birds, rats, mice, gophers, snakes, frogs, squirrels, racoons, etc. have been living in for a year. Killing them and/or their nests. That is, if they're not already dead from the huge amounts of pesticides, fungicides and herbicides.
Thousands of animals are killed or maimed for every grain field that is planted and harvested.
Then after harvesting, more huge diesel-eating machines have to move the grain to a huge diesel-eating factory, where the crop can be cooked, flaked, made into O's, however it's processed, and then packaged. And packaged into what's generally a petroleum based bag. Then, of course, shipped, generally far away to your market.
How much bread do you eat? How much wheat? Oatmeal? Rice?
If you don't like the idea of animal suffering, it is much more humane to support sustainable farmers who allow indiginous species to co-exist alongside their herds/flocks.
Sustainably raised animals are allowed to live on grass, in the sun, in huge fields the way nature intended.
They eat minimal amounts of grain.
The farmers also practice humane travel and slaughtering techniques.
Think about this:
For every *single* sustainably-raised steer I eat, a vegan has killed tens of thousands of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, insects.
And yes- I eat minimal amounts of grain.
If anyone out there truly cares about animals and the environment, this is the least hypocritical way to go: