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at this point i'm not sure if he'll arrive tomorrow

anyone else having problems with Fedex tracking updates ??
last i heard it was shipped but there is still no estimated arrival date (there always is) on the Fedex site...and no updates posted since it was shipped

getting a little worried here :pray:
Ya it says the same for me but I always get packages 2 days after shipping from SSC. My expectation is for him to arrive tomorrow.
Just got into a car accident this morning. 3 hours ago. I'm considering returning him and canceling a few others. I thought I'd let you guys know cause who else would I tell. Hopefully I won't need to though but just a ****** morning

Sent from the **** Pit of the Millenium Falcon

Sorry to hear man, hope it works out for you in the end.
I got tracking info but claims it won't be here till monday, which is praying it gets here Friday though, so i can be overjoyed all weekend instead of anxious…also I agree with those who said that Jedi should still get it (and the pieces that have low EX) and sell them on ebay, etc, as it will fetch much more money; best of luck though!
I want! I want! I want! :love :love



^ Good to know its looking like it should look so far

Yes, but from what I understand for FlexPays that were charged with the Fullpays, in this case Me, the shipment should have gone out with this first batch.

Anyway I called to find out what was going on. The service rep said they started shipping yesterday when they 1st got the statues in (I could have sworn somebody reported they got shipped on Monday when these were charged...) and that they would continue shipping out this batch today. So I should expect to get my tracking info and whatnot today. So this is the first batch but they split shipping it between 2 days. And if she's wrong and I don't get anything today, I'll be calling until it gets shipped since they charged me for it on Monday.

Just got into a car accident this morning. 3 hours ago. I'm considering returning him and canceling a few others. I thought I'd let you guys know cause who else would I tell. Hopefully I won't need to though but just a ****** morning

Sent from the **** Pit of the Millenium Falcon

I really hope things work out for you. Car accidents suck and the deductible...ouch. I hope you at least don't have any bad injuries.
Sweet baby Jay....that looks great. Is that indeed a production piece?

Oh I see the shipping box in the background...production it is :clap