Yah, you no longer OWN the music. You're merely renting it for as long as you have an iTunes account.. or until the company goes bust. Same with Steam. They've turned the model around and switched to "rent" economy.
Just like every decadent civilization. Ah..shoosh.
you can buy songs from Amazon mp3 no? I remember someone telling me if you bough the Mp3s from amazon you just got them,
and also better quality
I have an old 30 GB 5.5 generation iPod, and I've uploaded songs from my PC to my iPod very easily (and vice versa). There are several very easy to use third-party applications that allow you to do that. Although, I've never purchased a single thing from iTunes. All of the MP3s on my iPod were from CDs that I burned, or older songs that I downloaded from Napster, when file sharing was still cool and legal back in 2000.
I have an old 30 GB 5.5 generation iPod, and I've uploaded songs from my PC to my iPod very easily (and vice versa). There are several very easy to use third-party applications that allow you to do that. Although, I've never purchased a single thing from iTunes. All of the MP3s on my iPod were from CDs that I burned, or older songs that I downloaded from Napster, when file sharing was still cool and legal back in 2000.
Wow that is ingenious, who would think to go to customer service booth for a lost item.At the mall there is a Mac store.
Someone found it and it was returned to the customer service booth however I did know this until it was tracked. The iPhone has a finder that can be searched through iCloud. It shows exactly where the phone was. Quite an ingenious little device. I'm glad I got it back because I use that phone a lot. I can't go home without it.
Wow that is ingenious, who would think to go to customer service booth for a lost item.![]()
At the mall there is a Mac store.
Someone found it and it was returned to the customer service booth however I did know this until it was tracked. The iPhone has a finder that can be searched through iCloud. It shows exactly where the phone was. Quite an ingenious little device. I'm glad I got it back because I use that phone a lot. I can't go home without it.
I love seeing Vinyl collections like that. I collect CD's & I'd never buy an album of iTunes, to me it's a waist of money & soulless. Especially when I can go & buy the album for cheaper from Play.com or Amazon & actually have the CD & artwork in hand. The CD & case is all part of the hobby for me. I do use iTunes as a Juke box & for putting music on my phone etc
I always wanted a Vinyl collection but I've left it to late, if I started I'd end up getting hooked & spending a fortune.
all of my cds are used, I buy the cheapest cds I find, sometimes I pay 2 bucks per CD,
people say that buying Itunes is smart because you buy songs per dollar, but buying a whole cd for 3-4 bucks, that seems a lot smarter![]()
Let's get back to bashing Apple. That's more fun.![]()