Apple is the largest US-baed company worth $662 billion USD. eek
Well, Samsung dominates around 70% of the market share in South Korea. I've given it some thought, and I think it's rather ridiculous to find myself sympathizing with either company. Both of them represent "the man" and it's logical to assume that if Samsung were in Apple's position, they'd do the exact same thing with law-suits. Just let the two powers beat their chests and battle it out in the courts - personally, I could really care less. It's rather amusing
I'm not to sure about that, LG has been paralleling Samsung for years and has even been accused of industrial espionage but there was never a lawsuit of this proportion.
timent south korea
As for the Korean market share.... Sentiment reported from the ground from relatives living there was a little negative from the first lawsuit, but now that they are extending the suit to cover the S3 and Note devices.... most South Koreans are now turning against Apple. I would expect their market share there to drop in the coming years. But if Apple gets their way, they will try to limit and ban all the Android devices from entering the US, so this is just the first step in their plan. Sammy was just the biggest Android maker in terms of market share.
They're also the largest corporation in South Korea. It's obvious that Apple saw Samsung's Galaxy line as a threat to their sales, and that's why they've been pressing the law-suits so adamantly. The fact is, that because of Samsung, Apple is facing enormous pressures to innovate and improve the iPhone - which is falling drastically behind the technology that Samsung is putting forth. Of course, that's not to say that Apple's law suits don't have any grounds. I read this article today, that South Korea's Fair Trade Commission is now investigating Samsung for patent abuse:
I'm not very familiar with LG, but perhaps it just the case, that Samsung doesn't view them as a major competitive threat - the same way that Apple views Samsung.
I doubt that Apple will go very far in this, as Samsung plans to appeal. But, with that said, it's very easy to cheer for an "underdog" when they have an uphill battle to climb in anything. It's ironic that Apple was once like that many years ago, but now they're the company that everyone loves to hate.