Are most 12 inch SS Lines Dead?

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minivader said:
well, eventually there is only so many things you tweak until you run out of options. :D

True. I think SS needs to tweak some things but overall it's just a few.

minivader said:
I am not saying sideshow makes crap, in fact, I think they did extremly well with their products. I just dont want to see them lagging behind the rest of the industry till eventually people only buy their 1/6 products for the HS. which it seem to be happening a lot in the recent years.

I don't think you mean that either. I don't want to see them fall behind which is why I'd like to see them tweak some stuff to try and make as many people happy as possible.
I'm surprised no one has started a board.

Maybe a few of us need to create a board for real fans :lol
Buffyverse - 6 new figures over the last 12-18 months

X-Files - 2 new figures in the last 12 months

Bond - 5 New Figures in last 12 months

New Line - 3 New Figures in the last 12 months

Don't seem dead to me....

I can sort of see the point you are making but if they put out 1 or 2 figures from these licenses each year it'll be cool.

For me the x-files could be done with a Reyes and Lone Gunmen.

Buffyverse could be done, really, with about 5 or 6 other figures.

Craig Bond, Le Chiffre, Baron Samedi and Goldfinger would tie that one up nicely.


SSC made a committment to produce each incarnation of Jason and I believe that they could stick to this and tie them up in about a year or two. Roy, Part 8, Uber-Jason and Kid Jason are all that is needed.

Where are my Jasons?

With Buffy, there are a few characters/versions left undone that I would buy. I'm pleased that Giles and Cordelia were finally made.

The Bond line without a Craig Bond would be disappointing, personal bias (he's the only one I care to own) aside.

I always hope that Sideshow will pick up more 12 inch lines for people who don't have any interest in Star Wars.
Buttmunch said:
Looks like Subject 5 in a Jedi robe. It looks awesome though! Very sweet pic.

Thanks. He's really damned creepy. Putting the zombies in the robes makes them look like members of a demonic cult or something. Can;t wait to see what the good Docotr looks like. heheh.



Sith Lord 0498 said:
Very, very creepy!!!

Is he under a blacklight or something, Mikey?

Nah. When I edit a pic for use as an avatar, I pump the blalance for the contrast a little harder than normal to make the tiny image pop more. have to admit, I wasn't prepared for how strange he'd end up looking.
I cant believe sideshow never made a Romirez figure, to me that's the 2nd coolest figure they should make after medival kurgan. I mean, they already have a sean connery bond HS, shouldnt be too hard to make a Ramirez.
minivader said:
I cant believe sideshow never made a Romirez figure, to me that's the 2nd coolest figure they should make after medival kurgan. I mean, they already have a sean connery bond HS, shouldnt be too hard to make a Ramirez.

They couldn't because they couldn't get the likeness rights to him on that figure.
minivader said:
that's too bad. are there any customs out there using the bond HS?

Ya know that I'm not sure of. I will leave that to the custom folks here they would know that better than I.
They're not dead. They are only resting, waiting for a new life to come! (Or at least until Sideshow loses the rights to Star Wars and LOTR.)
thamesvalidude said:
It would be useful if Sideshow would break their rule of a lifetime and let us know which lines are dead so that we can make alternative arragngements!:rolleyes:

The only time I have seen SSC announce that a line was officially over/dead was the 8" Universal Monsters line. Evidently, they are not big fans of offering their buyers "closure" on a collection when they have finished with it. Its really sad that they don't announce they plan to offer no more. It makes the fanbase always watch boards, etc, for some inkling of hope...that never comes. This is the primary gripe I have with Sideshow. The other being that its really not that big of a deal to relay what plans for a particular line they have in mind for characters yet to be produced as well. I think this is why Bowen Designs is so popular still, despite all of the competition they have. They show sneak peeks, take fan suggestions, let the cat out of the bag regarding future plans and releases and let the collector know exactly where they stand.

An example of what I am talking about would be this. "Hey guys, we know there are tons of Universal Monsters(or collection of choice) fans out there, but we feel the 12" line has run its course and we will be offering no more entries into the realm of 12" figures in this line. Its been a great run, but we feel its time to focus on 1/4 scale and 1:1 busts now. Consider your collections complete. Thanks for your support." Ta-Da...Instant closure!

Also...what's wrong with when a license is first explored saying: "Here's our plan. We want to focus on the 6 major players of the film series as 1:1 busts. If they sell well...we will explore the possibility of producing lesser known characters. We are committed to producing the core 6 characters at least however." Then, if the line is LOTR, Universal, or whatever...its pretty much a given who makes up the core and you can draw your own conclusions.

I have never understood the secrecy involved with SSC's announcement policy. I like the way Bowen does it better. It keeps things more lively. You can also figure out if your character of choice made the cut or is not going to be produced waaaay in advance.
I totally agree with Anton Phibes. Dusty has been known to give "hints" that a line might not have run it's course before, but it's generally more secret than a Pentagon battle fact much more secret, which is bloody frustrating.:banghead :banghead :banghead