There is no way that they will raise software prices (movies or games). They won't raise the price on the PS3 either. Therefore, people who don't have Blu will have cheaper options available. Sony knows what they are doing, and has known for years.
I seriously doubt that.
Oh well now I feel better
They said we'd see a $200 retail priced player this year, yet prices have gone back up to closer to $400 for the cheapest model. The only way we'll get a BR player for close to $200 is if Microsoft makes an add on drive. There's no competition so what's to stop them from hiking up prices of movies as well?
I don't get it, he's ^^^^^ing yet he already has 2 Blu-Ray players.Don't you have a PS3???
I don't like to internet shop for the most part. I like walking into a store, buying what I want and taking it home and watching it. When I used to walk into Best Buy there were ALWAYS good sales, buy one get on 1/2 price, buy 2 get one free and all the type of stuff. Once the format war was over I have not seen that since.
I don't like to internet shop for the most part. I like walking into a store, buying what I want and taking it home and watching it. When I used to walk into Best Buy there were ALWAYS good sales, buy one get on 1/2 price, buy 2 get one free and all the type of stuff. Once the format war was over I have not seen that since.
Exactly thank you Lonnie, you ladies can un-bunch your panties.The companies will start competing against each other soon enough, now that the war is over. Prices will begin dropping soon and I wouldn't be surprised to see fierce competition this Holiday shopping season!
I am not saying Amazon does not have good deals, but are they still running buy one or two and get one free and that type of stuff?
I pre-ordered I Am Legend at $27.95 and to my surprise, I wound up getting it for $18.