I hear ya Josh...and like the others, I've cut back from posting much anymore -- not that I was ever really much of a poster anyway...just in spurts and starts. For those of you relatively "new", I've been a member of the Freaks since about Apr/May 2004. I'm certainly not one of the really senior members like Lonnie and Josh, but I've seen much and watched many start off hard and fast and then peter out (and read whatever you want from that

). Am sure we'll continue to see a lot more and a new wave of it whenever we have a new influx of posters....it's cyclic. For every
(place previous a$$hole member's name of choice here) or (
place your choice of "look-at-me-I'm-special/smart/sexy/wonderful member's name here) that finally leaves, there will be at least 3 to replace each. My post count is low in great part because I purposely take a break from posting -- especially when it starts getting stoooopid in here. You're doing just fine Josh.