Statue ARH Conan W/Slave Girl and 8FT Snake

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Can you really say Troy failed ARH if he met their 100% representation. That's not fair. And you're only stating your opinion. You gotta be fair with your criticisms. Just say what you don't like about it. You can even continue to say what you don't like about it, but don't attack the creators. Averone may seem like a bit of a car salesman on the forums right now, but you can't deny he's been great, responsive, and respective.
Here's my opinions regarding this piece and all things Sacrifice diorama:

-The diorama is impressive. It really is. a BIG eye catching piece, it's hard to deny this size and scale of this diorama.
-The price is borderline ludacris. (However, i do not think people purchasing this are ludacris because it's a damn impressive Conan statue, but i think ARH is "hitting us up" on this piece to fund future projects")
-The statement of "Thats 3 1/4 size statues plus bases for this price" IMO does not equal the total MSRP.
-none of the individual parts of this diorama are standalone impressive pieces. The sum of all 1/4 parts make a nice diorama, and do tell a story...but it's a story that is not worth the MSRP of all required parts.
-We should be able to cut the shemale out of the picture and reduce the price by $250-$300 which would bring the Conan vs Snake diorama price back down to earth.
-AVERONE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-this has got to be one of the most confusing statue releases in the history of statues.
-Out of the 4 most recent Conan statue releases (Beast, Rage, Brutal & Sacrifice), the more i look at this head sculpt, the more i dislike it. I actually like it the least of the 4 New Conan headsulpts.
-ARH cannot continue to conduct business like this if they want to grow into a SS, BD, Koto or GG.
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While every other ARH piece presented at this year NYCC looks wonderful, you're not doing ARH any favors by being dishonest about the Conan dio. The piece lacks basic symmetry, aesthetics and human proportions/structure..Its objectively hideous..Especially in the girl's case, how can ARH seriously match this abomination against the current competition? I agree with Seuchenfuerst that Troy failed ARH


PS: Also, keep advertising the fact that you commissioned Troy to sculpt two additional Conan heads for you. I just wanted you to be aware that commissioning Troy to sculpt 2 additional Conan heads is an infringement of copyright property and is illegal unless you or Troy pay licensing fees to Conan Properties International LLC, the heads then have to be approved by said company..


You really need to stop showing the older untouched salve girl!
To everyone who has not seen her retouched

Obviously no one who keeps arguing has seen her in person. She is only a portion of the dioramas. That SSC statue is fantastic but it not telling a story like this dio.

If wolf is making heads for his own enjoyment it's not anything different than 100 mods made for all the HT here on this forum, this is another mod for Henry's enjoyment and some lucky few who get this statue.
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Here's my opinions regarding this piece and all things Sacrifice diorama:

-The diorama is impressive. It really is. a BIG eye catching piece, it's hard to deny this size and scale of this diorama.
-The price is borderline ludacris. (However, i do not think people purchasing this are ludacris because it's a damn impressive Conan statue, but i think ARH is "hitting us up" on this piece to fund future projects")
-The statement of "Thats 3 1/4 size statues plus bases for this price" IMO does not equal the total MSRP.
-none of the individual parts of this diorama are standalone impressive pieces. The sum of all 1/4 parts make a nice diorama, and do tell a story...but it's a story that is not worth the MSRP of all required parts.
-We should be able to cut the shemale out of the picture and reduce the price by $250-$300 which would bring the Conan vs Snake diorama price back down to earth.
-AVERONE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-this has got to be one of the most confusing statue releases in the history of statues.
-Out of the 4 most recent Conan statue releases (Beast, Rage, Brutal & Sacrifice), the more i look at this head sculpt, the more i dislike it. I actually like it the least of the 4 New Conan headsulpts.
-ARH cannot continue to conduct business like this if they want to grow into a SS, BD, Koto or GG.

And where are you getting your info?
We are the producers and have this number figured out working with the China factories. The sheer size alone demands the price.
We are growing just fine, no company with such little resources has done so much in such little time. If you didn't notice we were at NYCC this year, one of only 3 companies who sell statues. Not worried about this one, it's already in demand.

You arguments are always the same, every year you say ARH will go away and on the contrary we are getting better and bigger.
More Licenses are just a few steps away, I will share with you when we are ready.
PS: Also, keep advertising the fact that you commissioned Troy to sculpt two additional Conan heads for you. I just wanted you to be aware that commissioning Troy to sculpt 2 additional Conan heads is an infringement of copyright property and is illegal unless you or Troy pay licensing fees to Conan Properties International LLC, the heads then have to be approved by said company..

Technically you are right about the infringement but I seriously doubt I will get a cease and desist notice if I am not selling it and making a profit, of which I am not. This goes for all the commissioned, customized and modified pieces you constantly see on all the forums. I don't see any of those members having a problem or the artist they commissioned getting cease and desist notices.

As far as advertising, I don't have any ads offering to sell these anywhere that I know of? Do you? I don't know where you got that from.

Also, it is not illegal for me to have a sculpt commissioned for my personal collection as long I don't sell it. Now that's illegal. Now unless I offered to sell them to you, which I didn't, I don't see why you would want to make such an inaccurate statement. :peace
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And where are you getting your info?
We are the producers and have this number figured out working with the China factories. The sheer size alone demands the price.
We are growing just fine, no company with such little resources has done so much in such little time. If you didn't notice we were at NYCC this year, one of only 3 companies who sell statues. Not worried about this one, it's already in demand.

You arguments are always the same, every year you say ARH will go away and on the contrary we are getting better and bigger.
More Licenses are just a few steps away, I will share with you when we are ready.


Please observe and take note how statue producers Randy Bowen, Jerry Macaluso and Erik Sosa interact with their customer base.
I don't think 3 complainers here will make ARH close the door,they are probably a lot of people that bought the Dio and don't even come on these boards.
They are not haters, they are trying to convince themselves not to buy. Cause usually you say don't like it and move on,not page long articles why I or you should not buy it.
PS: Also, keep advertising the fact that you commissioned Troy to sculpt two additional Conan heads for you. I just wanted you to be aware that commissioning Troy to sculpt 2 additional Conan heads is an infringement of copyright property and is illegal unless you or Troy pay licensing fees to Conan Properties International LLC, the heads then have to be approved by said company..


What was the point of posting this? I'm curious why you felt this was necessary.

You're on a forum that has multiple sub forums dedicated to copyright infringement including people running businesses and using likenesses of actors.

Here you have a case of someone commissioning a personal work without any likeness rights involved. I doubt they will be creating packages using the Conan logos and trademarks and they're not reselling.....what exactly will the claim be? That no one may make a black haired barbarian head sculpt ?
I don't think 3 complainers here will make ARH close the door,they are probably a lot of people that bought the Dio and don't even come on these boards.

I wish I was one of those people, too late for that now :slap
Hey gang, Alex is referring to me. I have commissioned Troy to make me two additional heads for this fantastic dio and he has accepted. Let's not get it twisted, I appreciate ARH's vision for Conan as I can not get enough of the Cimmerian and I love this dio even though it is not my preferred vision of Conan.
I grew up with Frazetta and Buscema as my favorite Conan artist and naturally that would be my preferred Conan look. This led me to ask Troy to make me two heads, one similar to Frazetta's Destroyer with that helmet and the same grim closed mouth expression and one similar to Frazetta's Barbarian with the square cut long straight hair and the same closed mouth grim expression. I figure the more head the better. :lol Troy has agreed to deliver me Frazetta/Buscema looking heads. I did this so that I will have more options for displaying this dio and thought it would put it over the top for me. I hope to get the commission started right after the holidays.
Anyway, when this comes to pass if people are interested in acquiring one or both heads I will look into it as I don't have a clue how to go about it and will probably need help/input to make it happen.

Alex, you know I am ready for the next ARH Conan.:viking

This Conan is a comic version. We will do a new completely brand new statue! Digital mostly this time.

About the extra heads for this dio, yes guys are already talking about making even more heads to customize it!
I say more power to them!! :hi5:

@SAB: It was a reference to these posts, I found it odd that wolf-brother was publicizing the fact that he was commissioning copyrighted material and that Averone was encouraging others to do the same

Obviously, with the exception of original characters or public properties, commissioned pieces are unlicensed and are illegal to sell unless the seller pays licensing fees and gets approval for said pieces from Conan Properties International which the company that owns Conan intellectual property (logos, characters, names and distinctive likenesses)
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Listen guys, it's been this way from the very start win ARH Studios
With success comes these comments but that's just given. This means we are doing something right.
When an unknown company comes out of nothing and makes a name for itself, gains a foothold and a customer base, takes profits from other companies and starts making inroads into the market, there are people who will hate.
If you have noticed some of these comments are just off an odd. They have nothing to do with Conan. It's a passionate assault directed to ARH no matter what we make, and it makes you think if it's critical of more of the company then directly towards the sculpt.

If you don't like of move on, don't ruin the fun for the rest who appreciate it.
@SAB: It was a reference to these posts, I found it odd that wolf-brother was publicizing the fact that he was commissioning copyrighted material and that Averone was encouraging others to do the same

Obviously, with the exception of original characters or public properties, commissioned pieces are unlicensed and are illegal to sell unless the seller pays licensing fees and gets approval for said pieces from Conan Properties International which the company that owns Conan intellectual property (logos, characters, names and distinctive likenesses)

As far as what I'm saying, and I have said this before.
What people do to update/mod their statues is up to them. What happens after we sell our statues is beyond our control.
It's not any different than many Hot Toys face sculpt done here and other places. These people understand that's its for their private use and not to be solicited for further profits.
@SAB: It was a reference to these posts, I found it odd that wolf-brother was publicizing the fact that he was commissioning copyrighted material and that Averone was encouraging others to do the same

Obviously, with the exception of original characters or public properties, commissioned pieces are unlicensed and are illegal to sell unless the seller pays licensing fees and gets approval for said pieces from Conan Properties International which the company that owns Conan intellectual property (logos, characters, names and distinctive likenesses)

What's the problem here? From averone's post I don't see him encouraging it, he just says more power to them and so what if he did encourage it. You the copyright police?

Anyway, when this comes to pass if people are interested in acquiring one or both heads I will look into it as I don't have a clue how to go about it and will probably need help/input to make it happen.

In reference to my post it clearly states I would look into it not that it is a done deal and I will be selling them. Also, what's odd about talking about my commission, as stated before there are sub forums dedicated to commissions. Please stop twisting things to suit your inaccurate claims and make sense out of nonsense or cease and desist if you prefer infringement terminology.
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Please observe and take note how statue producers Randy Bowen, Jerry Macaluso and Erik Sosa interact with their customer base.

And your point is?
Each company does business differently.
I'm on most boards all the time, FB too. Ask people who buy from us if this is bad thing of not.
Those who do not really don't matter, as they will not wish to support us even if we changed everything 100x over.
And your point is?
Each company does business differently.
I'm on most boards all the time, FB too. Ask people who buy from us if this is bad thing of not.
Those who do not really don't matter, as they will not wish to support us even if we changed everything 100x over.

I heard your not on SF anymore hahahaha
@SAB: It was a reference to these posts, I found it odd that wolf-brother was publicizing the fact that he was commissioning copyrighted material and that Averone was encouraging others to do the same

Obviously, with the exception of original characters or public properties, commissioned pieces are unlicensed and are illegal to sell unless the seller pays licensing fees and gets approval for said pieces from Conan Properties International which the company that owns Conan intellectual property (logos, characters, names and distinctive likenesses)

Mods please ban this guy!!!! This is just crazy. Snitch about commissions. Please Ban!