Statue ARH Conan W/Slave Girl and 8FT Snake

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I have issues with the mouth and nose on this piece. Like he took 3 scoops of pre workout.

Everything else looks ace.
I honestly find that Troy's job on Conan's heads is sub par, all the heads (and anything related to the girl, if he was involved).
My real question about this is due to the fact that his version of Conan on the Fury of the Beast is flawless. Everything, in that piece, is just perfect, from the expression of the face and the head sculpt, down to the body with scars and marks.
The main difference is that for the Fury of the Beast, the art director wanted a realistic looking piece (as often with SS pieces), while ARH works much more on, how can I say, cartoonish style. So I ask myself if this may be the cause behind the difference of the head sculpts, from this:


to this:


...and this:


Maybe it's just me and my distaste for the caricature/cartoon style, but I see quite a difference in quality.

Thats fine to not like the heads or the style. Its just ones taste.
Nothing wrong with that! By offering at least 3 heads we gave options not found elsewhere. Troy's style is great and he will be again working with us for many new sculpts.

But, you are right, the style is unique. Both SSC and ARH didn't want to have too many Conans out with the same look.

There are many options for display with this, Conan and depending on how good it does we are even thinking of expansion packages.

If you look at the Conan we did, it has a very good body and anatomy. I also like the fact that you can display him with or without the expansion snake pack, so he can fight other creatures, etc.

Sometimes people are just too focused on the negative of a sculpt and miss out what it offers. For me its more Conan and less Beast, for me it offers different displays, and there is a major wow factor to it that no Conan sculpt - so far - has given us.
But again its all objective.

I have seen all the new Conans in person so far and as for me I am of course getting the ARH inc. and the Furry of the Beast as I think these two are very worthy to be in my collection.

One of the reasons we went to NY all the way from the WestCoast was to show this in person and I know from the orders already and those who saw it in person this was a major hit. It has things all others dont have so far. But to be honest is it the best Conan ever? To some yes, to others no.
Maybe? I see plenty of quality in this piece and I love the first head. I just don't compare. As you state it's different styles. I like all these different incarnations of the Cimmerian and this one has more of an impact then Fury for me.

I just can't wait to have the guys, myself included, line up all the new toys (Conan's) and show them next to each other.
To compare these is silly, they are all good in a way. But come Wolf, you know this and you have seen this, how does it really stand next to the others so far?

You do know, I have been to SDCC and seen the other Conans. Its not about how good they are but how this ARH one stacks up?

People think Im biased but they also should now Im a collector so I know why this had to be set at such a high price, it wasn't just because the factory wanted a big chunk, its just massive!!!

:exactly: So true! People were just wowed!! I watched their expressions as they stopped to stare at it, it was great! :thud:

Now the wait to have it in hand! :viking :yess:

Thats why we will be there next year with even a bigger display!!
I enjoyed everyday, except of the last day :( Too many kids trying to touch the statues! :)
I just can't wait to have the guys, myself included, line up all the new toys (Conan's) and show them next to each other.
To compare these is silly, they are all good in a way. But come Wolf, you know this and you have seen this, how does it really stand next to the others so far?

You do know, I have been to SDCC and seen the other Conans. Its not about how good they are but how this ARH one stacks up?

People think Im biased but they also should now Im a collector so I know why this had to be set at such a high price, it wasn't just because the factory wanted a big chunk, its just massive!!!

Stop playing know how much I love this. This is my favorite out of all four new releases so far (I have all four ordered and I have Fury in hand) because it has an incredible presence and impact with the story it tells and it is full of details. I don't know what others are not seeing but I don't care, that's their prerogative. :yess:
Stop playing know how much I love this. This is my favorite out of all four new releases so far (I have all four ordered and I have Fury in hand) because it has an incredible presence and impact with the story it tells and it is full of details. I don't know what others are not seeing but I don't care, that's their prerogative. :yess:

Blinded I tell you!
We are a small and may I say great company who will get bigger and better! All of what we make will be taken for granted till its too late!
Lets have fun with this, I'm sure having fun seeing how well it did in NY, that's why we will again come back.
Think of it all the early SSC products are now "grails", you already seen some good ones from ARH, you never know this may be one of those very hard to get later. I'm sure you and I will chat it all up next year in NY :hi5:
Anyways, thanks for your support, we appreciate it.
Just look at the dark hose Conan comics,The newest one is a completetly different Conan from the first series and also Conan the cimmerian.Three Conan series from the same comic company Three different represantation of Conan himself.With the last one not so Good.
I honestly find that Troy's job on Conan's heads is sub par, all the heads (and anything related to the girl, if he was involved).
My real question about this is due to the fact that his version of Conan on the Fury of the Beast is flawless. Everything, in that piece, is just perfect, from the expression of the face and the head sculpt, down to the body with scars and marks.
The main difference is that for the Fury of the Beast, the art director wanted a realistic looking piece (as often with SS pieces), while ARH works much more on, how can I say, cartoonish style. So I ask myself if this may be the cause behind the difference of the head sculpts, from this:


to this:


...and this:


Maybe it's just me and my distaste for the caricature/cartoon style, but I see quite a difference in quality.

IMHO the arh Conan looks like a Lion's face or some other big cat and on your 2nd picture Conan looks like a transvestite.

That Alexander looks great indeed, I'm not much into people riding horses but those pics are impressive. Then again, I can see it is sculpted with realism, so again that's the difference to me, the style... I'm really convinced that it's the style that brings me to like some ARH pieces and dislike others. I would have liked Ares much much more if he had this old classical style, for example. He's a greek god, but he's depicted as a movie/videogames character, I know that many like it that way, but not me.
Hoping to see Prometheus/Hephaestus.
The problem is AHR is asking for too much money when they don't pay for the licensing or rights,this latest statue of Bucephalus,Medusa etc... there's no license to pay and still charging like if it was a piece from DC or Marvels.
Their not making 5,000 runs of these statues. The prices are fair, actually good.

As far as Alexander, looks awesome.
Their not making 5,000 runs of these statues. The prices are fair, actually good.

As far as Alexander, looks awesome.

Just because they make 500 doesn't mean the price must go up,HellBoy PF Ex was only 500 and the price didn't go up and licensing was involved needs to be approved etc....:cuckoo:

Who approves the Bucephalus statue ? The Ancient Greek Museum ? :lol
The problem is AHR is asking for too much money when they don't pay for the licensing or rights,this latest statue of Bucephalus,Medusa etc... there's no license to pay and still charging like if it was a piece from DC or Marvels.

Its not even finished and we already starting to put it down,We won't know price untill october at least.