Statue ARH Conan W/Slave Girl and 8FT Snake

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I put in an order, gotta love the no deposit policy they have.



The Conan and all the other statues reservation ends when all orders are placed in the beginning of January, so that you have only this month to make reservations, after that we will not be able to guarantee pre-orders. I want to make sure you get one, and since we are to stop taking orders soon I would not wait long. This could be a very limited production.

Remember we are not Sideshow! We operate differently. I expect this to be a run like Medusa we did a few years ago.

We will make this a very limited hard to find statue!!! So please dont delay if your on the fence, go forward and place your reservations this month.

I expect Jan-mid Jan is the cut off for all orders and we will move on to our next projects.

Alex A, ARH Inc
Ok first of I would like to apologise to "Wolf-Brother". I read your point and I unsterstand that my previous post was speculated based on my personal opinion. Obviously you love this diorama and you see it as an opportunity to pimp it. I got that.
My point is and I hope will understand this as well: Why should I buy a mediocre car and then pimp it with chrome wheels and probably buy spoilers and some tuning parts to get more horsepowers out of that engine, because at the end with the same amount of money I will buy me a sportscar, which looks better, sounds better, and I'm simply happy with it???
Long speech, short meaning: why should I spend this kind of money when the product doesn't make me happy. And it's not even a question of the price. Honestly guys, I wouldn't buy it for half the prize because all 3 heads plus that slave girl look terribly, terribly wrong. I wouldn't even take it if it's free because I don't wanna have an ugly statue in my collection, period!

On a second point, some guys here moan about us - the so called haters. Newsflash: this thread has been opened weeks before the first pictures were even been released to the community. This dio has been praised into heaven and further... So the anticipation was big on my side! I'm not a big writer myself, mainly because of lack in the English language, but I'm a follower who took interest in all the opinions. And that is exactly what it should be all about of a forum: to exchange different opinions. Obviously some of you can't deal reading miscellaneous opinions.

Last point: read post #254 in this thread. ARH was stating, their plan were to produces 500+ pieces. Now check out this forum or the 2 related, big Facebook groups there are and what do you suddenly read there? And I quote;

since we are to stop taking orders soon I would not wait long. This could be a very limited production.

Do I sense here a lack of pre-orders, explaining this sudden course of change?
I don't want to sound cynical. I still stand by my word, that I fully understand all you guys here, who are totally happy with this dio.
And I also like ARH and what they have achieved. But you have to be honest: there was a lot of delusional preaching involved. Somebody left a good comment, comparing it to the promises and praising of car sales man. It think that pretty much nails it. Because how couldn't anybody note the difference of quality, beauty and artistical creativity in the picture provided of member "Leonidas" showing SS' Red Sonja and ARH's slave girl next to each other (# 1621)?

I still say: the sculptor did a good job with the head of his own dio but totally failed ARH with theirs (all of them! ) I leave the reason to everybody's own speculations....
If I'm an artist, and it doesn't matter if I do paintings, sculpts, cloths, jewelry whatever...and I create my stuff for a living, don't you think I wouln't go to the market trying to sell my end-product without being a 100 % sure that I gave everything and that I finished it perfectly ?! .... "not enough time my a**!"
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We got it after the last novel. You don't like it and don't want it. Your choice.

Your opinions are also noted. Personally I think you are verging on over the top criticism and personal attack on both Troy and ARH, but as you have no interest in this great looking piece I guess you will move on to other subjective art works to consider .

All points raised have been covered both prior to and during release with some being directly addressed and even altered by the artists involved. It is time for in hand comments now I think.
Damn Alex I wish you dropped this in a dead time for statues... Holidays, x-mas gifts, Batman EX PF and Conan Fury of the Beast this month... Front me some cash will ya? lol.
Damn Alex I wish you dropped this in a dead time for statues... Holidays, x-mas gifts, Batman EX PF and Conan Fury of the Beast this month... Front me some cash will ya? lol.

Order the Conan EX pack from ARH and the snake pack from BBT or SSC!
Trust me I'm broke too!
You have to have priorities, family first.
We both know Batman is delayed, the new Fury, put it on Flex pay.
We all offer Flex pay too, so there should be no excuse. :wave
Like it buy it!
Don't like it move on,
Its my money not yours!

Money well spent!
I'll make sure of it :goodpost:
ARH and I are very passionate about our work, something not lost in the work we do. It's too bad people realize this when our products sell out.

And no I'm no car sales man! No pushing anyone to buy this.
Ok first of I would like to apologise to "Wolf-Brother". I read your point and I unsterstand that my previous post was speculated based on my personal opinion. Obviously you love this diorama and you see it as an opportunity to pimp it. I got that.
My point is and I hope will understand this as well: Why should I buy a mediocre car and then pimp it with chrome wheels and probably buy spoilers and some tuning parts to get more horsepowers out of that engine, because at the end with the same amount of money I will buy me a sportscar, which looks better, sounds better, and I'm simply happy with it???

All good brother! :wave

We are all entitled to our opinions and preferences and I agree with you on this..... "I love this dio." I can understand that some got amped up from the hype and are disappointed in the final result because it did not meet their expectations or vision or it just isn't their style or taste. I also understand your point about mediocrity. If I found it mediocre I wouldn't buy it either but I don't feel that way. So for me I'm pimping out a classic that chrome wheels will enhance. Remember, as you say in your car analogy, spend your money on what you're happy with. :lol

Art is subjective and each persons taste or opinion is not fact it's just preference. Yes there is a difference in quality with the SSC Sonja but I don't compare the dio girl to SSC Sonja. After all Sonja is a stand alone character the girl isn't but she does fit fine with the dio to me. Lastly it is evident that ARH style is not SSC style but I like both styles

In closing all I can say is that I have seen this in person and the first lousy pics of the girl were very bad and the paint was also but the tweaks made a significant improvement and the complete dio looked good! In my opinion it is very impressive and has a visual impact. Can't wait to have it displayed.
Order the Conan EX pack from ARH and the snake pack from BBT or SSC!
Trust me I'm broke too!
You have to have priorities, family first.
We both know Batman is delayed, the new Fury, put it on Flex pay. We all offer Flex pay too, so there should be no excuse. :wave

lol I almost got banned for saying something similar to that on the other forum. Got taken so out of context.

Anyhow, ya I got it on flex. The last payment and shipping for it and Batman, plus taxes upon delivery and the canadian dollar dropping faster than a hooker's panties is adding up. :rotfl

I will find a way
lol I almost got banned for saying something similar to that on the other forum. Got taken so out of context.

Anyhow, ya I got it on flex. The last payment and shipping for it and Batman, plus taxes upon delivery and the canadian dollar dropping faster than a hooker's panties is adding up. :rotfl

I will find a way

Im happy you will find a way, I really hate it when years later people come and ask me if we have more and I got to turn them away.

Yes I get all the great talk about the SSC Conan's but its silly to ban people due to their opinions. I dont understand people hating one Conan over the other and having so much passion behind it. Its all good to have so many options for Conan, and now that SSC is involved its even better for all the collectors!
Putting this or that on Flex payments, just works financially for people.
All good brother! :wave

We are all entitled to our opinions and preferences and I agree with you on this..... "I love this dio." I can understand that some got amped up from the hype and are disappointed in the final result because it did not meet their expectations or vision or it just isn't their style or taste. I also understand your point about mediocrity. If I found it mediocre I wouldn't buy it either but I don't feel that way. So for me I'm pimping out a classic that chrome wheels will enhance. Remember, as you say in your car analogy, spend your money on what your happy with. :lol

Art is subjective and each persons taste or opinion is not fact it's just preference. Yes there is a difference in quality with the SSC Sonja but I don't compare the dio girl to SSC Sonja. After all Sonja is a stand alone character the girl isn't but she does fit fine with the dio to me. Lastly it is evident that ARH style is not SSC style but I like both styles

In closing all I can say is that I have seen this in person and the first lousy pics of the girl were very bad and the paint was also but the tweaks made a significant improvement and the complete dio looked good! In my opinion it is very impressive and has a visual impact. Can't wait to have it displayed.

You will see, this Conan will be sought after later on. And I can't wait for people like you to show this. I will show it next to the SSC versions, they are all good at the moment! But you know better than most that having so many options is great for the Conan collector.

I keep reading the hype didn't meet expectations. Thats just wrong, this thing as seen in NY was the talk of the show!

Anyways, what can I say this guy keeps coming back and saying his opinion over and over again. Its like a broken record. The artists only need to hear it once. ARH and I are extremely passionate about our work and what we have done is admired by many in the industry.
All I can say is buy it or dont, we are coming back with more!
This is not only a business to me, but a hobby so I can now create what I really want :) And yes , share it with you all :peace
(And guess who is happy to get them? SSC! Thats good enough to make more Conan's)
I honestly find that Troy's job on Conan's heads is sub par, all the heads (and anything related to the girl, if he was involved).
My real question about this is due to the fact that his version of Conan on the Fury of the Beast is flawless. Everything, in that piece, is just perfect, from the expression of the face and the head sculpt, down to the body with scars and marks.
The main difference is that for the Fury of the Beast, the art director wanted a realistic looking piece (as often with SS pieces), while ARH works much more on, how can I say, cartoonish style. So I ask myself if this may be the cause behind the difference of the head sculpts, from this:


to this:


...and this:


Maybe it's just me and my distaste for the caricature/cartoon style, but I see quite a difference in quality.
You will see, this Conan will be sought after later on. And I can't wait for people like you to show this. I will show it next to the SSC versions, they are all good at the moment! But you know better than most that having so many options is great for the Conan collector.

I keep reading the hype didn't meet expectations. Thats just wrong, this thing as seen in NY was the talk of the show!

Anyways, what can I say this guy keeps coming back and saying his opinion over and over again. Its like a broken record. The artists only need to hear it once. ARH and I are extremely passionate about our work and what we have done is admired by many in the industry.
All I can say is buy it or dont, we are coming back with more!
This is not only a business to me, but a hobby so I can now create what I really want :) And yes , share it with you all :peace
(And guess who is happy to get them? SSC! Thats good enough to make more Conan's)

:exactly: So true! People were just wowed!! I watched their expressions as they stopped to stare at it, it was great! :thud:

Now the wait to have it in hand! :viking :yess:
I honestly find that Troy's job on Conan's heads is sub par, all the heads (and anything related to the girl, if he was involved).
My real question about this is due to the fact that his version of Conan on the Fury of the Beast is flawless. Everything, in that piece, is just perfect, from the expression of the face and the head sculpt, down to the body with scars and marks.
The main difference is that for the Fury of the Beast, the art director wanted a realistic looking piece (as often with SS pieces), while ARH works much more on, how can I say, cartoonish style. So I ask myself if this may be the cause behind the difference of the head sculpts, to this:


to this:


...and this:


Maybe it's just me and my distaste for the caricature/cartoon style, but I see quite a difference in quality.

Maybe? I see plenty of quality in this piece and I love the first head. I just don't compare. As you state it's different styles. I like all these different incarnations of the Cimmerian and this one has more of an impact then Fury for me.