Hey Nam...go and report away. I think you're the only one here who has been banned for any length of time.
As I said, I never reported to be an expert on LA gangs and you continuing to say that crap doesn't make it true.
A real troll is someone who jumps in on a discussion that they had NOTHING to do with them...uh...that would be you. That's right Mr. Banned, you fit the bill to a T! This discussion about gangs and TWs occured betweem me and another poster. YOU trolled in to add your ignorant comments that really were uncalled for.
And for the record, I didn't call you ignorant because you "exposed" anything I said. You're ignorant because of the false, implied and inaccurate things YOU said. See...your ignorance is exposed again! You can't even recall the conversation the way it happened. That shows a lack of knowledge...ignorance.
And tell me, if you can with any type of discernable intelligence, how does asking you if you were a product of public school equate to a personal insult?!?!? Its a question?!!!!! Its rhetorical, do you understand that word?, so you don't have to answer it but it's certainly not a personal insult.
You, more than any other person on this board, always end up in these types of confrontational discussions. YOU usually end up losing your temper and let your true ignorance shine through and start hurliing insults like "troll", "douch" or "idiot" and sometimes worst things than that and get yourself leveled with infractions. I applaud

you for almost staying civil this time, at least enough to keep you from getting reported. Good Job!

But in reality, you bring this type of thing on yourself because you enter into discussions just to be a protagonist. You quite often don't add any real substance to the discussion and usually more than likely derail the topic way off base...case in point.
Here's a suggestion Bro..........BREATH!!!!!
Everything you read that you don't agree with you don't have to make a comment about. For instance, your comments about Benoit. I found those to be simplistic at best but certainly dismissive of his crimes but I chose to let that ride. I didn't interject my opinions into the discussion between you and K...that would be trolling. And you sir, fit the bill!