Umm... 7 years of debt reduction? A governor who worked for free? A man who met the press and admitted to this "indiscretion" despite it being nobody's business? You and Lee share something in common.
See, when you use ignorant, and specify "by the very definition" it would help to know just what you're talking about. Detroit was never and will never be South Central. You're as far removed from that as Palin is from understanding "foreign policy" regardless of how "close" she is to Russia.
You defending Tookie is no different than someone defending a terrorist like Osama. Tookie was a terrorist. The fact that he's directly responsible might seem subjective to you, but just like Osama, who didn't fly any planes into buildings, lead the front against coalition troops or blow himself up in suicide bombing attacks, his influence is responsible for the deaths of many innocents, his influence stripped the basic rights of citizens to be safe where they live away from them, and he created fear and terror in the hearts of many. Plus, like Osama did from his mansion in Pakistan, Tookie planned, sorted and ran it all from a nice safe jail cell.
P.S. My username has absolutely nothing to do with Vietnam. Maybe look into things before opening your mouth. Then you wouldn't look so naive.
Maybe you should re-read that and replace Central Pen with Detroit.