Didn't they do that too with Brandon Lee in the Crow?
"En den dey goo into de uda room wheya dea izz moooah tuuwminateas"
Its hard to not get a bit excited and love this evil man.
I think its good that he has a part but I sure don't want to see him dominate the screentime. A quick cameo of him in a room or having his face on an assembly line of Terminators is perfect.
"En den dey goo into de uda room wheya dea izz moooah tuuwminateas"
Its hard to not get a bit excited and love this evil man.
It was done way back for Jurassic Park too, in 93, when Lex falls through the ceiling in the command compound, the stunt girl looked up and they put the Actress's face over her.
This is differant as I understand Arnold, whos saying he didn't shoot anything new, this is just them lifting existing footage to recreate his face and recycling existing dialogue.
Is the rumor true that the guy that played the young Arnold in his Bio Pic(I can't remember his name), is going to play the Terminator in the new movies?
Is the rumor true that the guy that played the young Arnold in his Bio Pic(I can't remember his name), is going to play the Terminator in the new movies?
Why even bother getting another Austrian, who looks and sounds like Arnold if they are just going to put Arnold's face and voice in there?
I think its because the guys got a similar build too.