I think this is great, but will they conitue to do this with the next one. I mean they are signed on to do 3 of the new terminator movies. I can't see them doing this more than once with Arnie.
I hate to say it, but Arnold screwed California into the ground with his borrowing & spending, massive tax increases, bond measures, and attacks on public education. I admit that it is hard to imagine a Terminator movie w/out him, I hope he isn't in it just because I don't want to see him when I am trying to enjoy myself.![]()
Just in case they couldn't get Arnold to sign off maybe he would be their "close enough" back-up?Why even bother getting another Austrian, who looks and sounds like Arnold if they are just going to put Arnold's face and voice in there?
That would be cool a scene with a bunch of arnies in an assembly line.
Cant wait to see this movie.
It just wouldn't be a Terminator movie without Arnie. I sureb hope he's in this even if is only for a few seconds.
So does this mean we can expect another HT Ahnuld?
isn't there a piece of concept art depicting a room where John is supposed to enter and it's filled on both sides with Arnies on tables?
A fact, my dear, that he himself hinted to the contrary, toward the end of that piece.