Asmus Toys - 1/6 Arwen 2.0

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I do not think it's other than Galadriel's body. Which is Asmus Toys Eva female body. Though they do say that Galadriel is 28 cm and Arwen is 25 cm, which sounds strange.
Let's hear from Asmus, but I think it is a mistake.
Glad I saw all this about the height before pre-ordering, that's really bad. Really weird when their first Arwen figure is close to 11 inches tall, did she shrink between FOTR and ROTK or something :lol...hopefully it's just a typo. If it is correct though I'll just stick with the original version as unless she's displayed sitting down or displayed alone that will be a hard height difference to hide next to the other figures. Will be a pity as I really liked it. :(
Maybe it?s a ploy to make us all feel better about their undersized 11 inch figures. Asmus will tell us the 9.8? is a mistake and that Arwen is indeed 11 inches, and we?ll all be like, ?Oh thank god!?. Lol

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The 1 v. was scaled quite close:

Arwen Aragorn.jpg
As she is almost as tall as Aragorn:

So, if it is downscaled. There is no reason for that.
Proportion-wise it looks the same as the v. 1, unless they scaled down everything.
There's really no reason for things like this, they have all their figures in front of them.

I do like that HT has been showing some of their new figures along with other figures so you can get a sense of height. I think Asmus should start doing the same.

When purchasing a figure as part of a collection, it would be nice if that the collection is all relatively the proper heights.
Glad I saw all this about the height before pre-ordering, that's really bad. Really weird when their first Arwen figure is close to 11 inches tall, did she shrink between FOTR and ROTK or something :lol...hopefully it's just a typo. If it is correct though I'll just stick with the original version as unless she's displayed sitting down or displayed alone that will be a hard height difference to hide next to the other figures. Will be a pity as I really liked it. :(

Of course she shrank! The life of the Eldar was leaving her and as a mortal woman she lost height jk of course. :lol
Its funny, I didn't want this figure to start, but then I was so impressed with the execution that I just had to have it... but now with the revealed 1/7th scale it is easy to back-off and pass.

Let's get back to Lurtz now, shall we...? :)
Waiting for Asmus to comment on the scale, but if they say nothing or this figure is confirmed under 10 inches, I'm definitely going to cancel my pre-order. That's terrible.

If they confirm that this figure is indeed under 10 inches, I will have to sadly cancel my pre-order, as well. As beautiful as she looks, especially with the deluxe items, there's just no way I can add her to my collection, if she is not 1/6th scaled.

Sideshow?s listing seems to be making an explicit point that she is less than 10 inches. Either this is a big mistake or Asmus has lost their collective mind.

I'm still remaining optimistic in that they simply messed up with that photo.
I used PayPal, paid from my balance, and didn?t get assessed any fees. Maybe they assess a fee if you use a credit card?

Did they actually charge you an extra 4.6%, or does it just mean if you cancel your order you lose 4.6% of your money?

Like warlock said, perhaps the 4.6% fee is only assessed when you use a credit card linked to Paypal - but no fee like he said when a balance is applied or debit card is used? I went with inputting my card directly on the Asmus Store just in case.

Did you receive a confirmation email confirmation from Asmus after the order?

I did not get an email and my order history is blank - do not see any pending charges on my credit card either - perhaps my order did not go through, may have to re-order.


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Hopefully Asmus messed up their measurements... as Sideshow built that photo based on Asmus' measurements.

yeah, i think that's the case...
According to the official listing Galadriel and Arwen 2.0 shares the same eva female body... So i don't think they have cut 3 cm from arwen Legs only to shorten the doll a bit...
i'm almost pretty sure the 25 cm listing was a mistake...
There are different length ankle connectors. Its possible they got a bunch of shorter ones at a good price.

The height is easy to fix somewhat... but not if the entire doll is scaled for the height. Then if you raise her an inch and a half, the head starts to look too small for the lanky body.

Galadriel has this issue according to posters here. Honestly, I didn't find the first Arwen scaled very well, one of the reasons I never picked her up.
yeah, i think that's the case...
According to the official listing Galadriel and Arwen 2.0 shares the same eva female body... So i don't think they have cut 3 cm from arwen Legs only to shorten the doll a bit...
i'm almost pretty sure the 25 cm listing was a mistake...

If she uses the same body then she should be shorter than Galadriel. I wonder if this means no ankle extenders.
After some research I found out LOTR costume designer Nglia considered this as her favorite Arwen dress. Asmus really are huge LOTR fans and probably knew this in choosing their Arwen 2.0.

“In this combination of dusky rose and midnight blue, Arwen's character rests at the brink of death. We used antique lace combination around the neck and sleeves, over-dyed and then layered into with more embroidery to affect both weight and delicacy. It needed to express Arwen caught between two worlds, the exquisite otherworldliness of the Elves, and the weight of her love for Aragorn and humankind, which leads her to this near-sacrifice."
There's no way they would halt production and correct the height at this point. It would require a new body, a new dress length, more material per figure, etc.

That decision was made long ago and they are fully aware she's short. It was a decision based on cost.
Q3 release? Yeah, if the body needs correction, that isn?t going to happen. Asmus has been so silent about it, I may just cancel.