Asmus Toys : Aragorn thread

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Thanks, man. I lurk. Like the dwarves, I delved too greedily, and to deep. :lol

This place is what it is and I am waiting to see if I fit into it anywhere. :duff

You still fit here. I never posted to much and now I post even less but I am still here and it is nice to see familiar people still show up and post.

I think I have every 1/6 Aragorn made (SS's line is what sucked me in to the 1/6 universe) except for the Sosa head, Barbie and Barbie-ish ToyBiz one. Oh and I had even bought a DiD one at one point to scrap for parts. If I had to choose only one I would have to say Asmus wins. All of them had different high points but if I had to go for one with no customizing it would have to be Asmus. I think I even found some good action poses that work with the second head and the figure is sturdy enough that it can hold those poses too.
You still fit here. I never posted to much and now I post even less but I am still here and it is nice to see familiar people still show up and post.

I think I have every 1/6 Aragorn made (SS's line is what sucked me in to the 1/6 universe) except for the Sosa head, Barbie and Barbie-ish ToyBiz one. Oh and I had even bought a DiD one at one point to scrap for parts. If I had to choose only one I would have to say Asmus wins. All of them had different high points but if I had to go for one with no customizing it would have to be Asmus. I think I even found some good action poses that work with the second head and the figure is sturdy enough that it can hold those poses too.

Ah, you have me beat - I never went in for the DID, Just SSC, ACI and now this one.

And while the bonus head is a tad goofy at first glance, I believe you - I'm sure it would suit certain poses.
You guys should both post here more. The LOTR section is still pretty tame compared to the SW, Marvel, DC or Aliens sections. Except for the "debate" over ACI/Asmus Aragorn at times (and even that wasn't too brutal), everything else here seems to be discussed in a very courteous and sensible way.

There will always be those who just don't "feel" Asmus' style.

Sidenote: I wonder if you darkened the teeth on the 2nd head so they didn't pop so much if that would help?
You still fit here. I never posted to much and now I post even less but I am still here and it is nice to see familiar people still show up and post.

I think I have every 1/6 Aragorn made (SS's line is what sucked me in to the 1/6 universe) except for the Sosa head, Barbie and Barbie-ish ToyBiz one. Oh and I had even bought a DiD one at one point to scrap for parts. If I had to choose only one I would have to say Asmus wins. All of them had different high points but if I had to go for one with no customizing it would have to be Asmus. I think I even found some good action poses that work with the second head and the figure is sturdy enough that it can hold those poses too.
The second sculpt isn't as bad as I thought it would be but the left eye is **** eyed a little bit. I was testing the hair a little bit on the open mouthed one and it was releasing from the sculpt pretty easily. Anyone looking to maybe mod the head a bit shouldn't have a problem removing the hair.
You guys should both post here more. The LOTR section is still pretty tame compared to the SW, Marvel, DC or Aliens sections. Except for the "debate" over ACI/Asmus Aragorn at times (and even that wasn't too brutal), everything else here seems to be discussed in a very courteous and sensible way.

There will always be those who just don't "feel" Asmus' style.

Sidenote: I wonder if you darkened the teeth on the 2nd head so they didn't pop so much if that would help?

Yeah, LOTR seems to be a more civilized fandom in general. I blame myself for letting the behavior of others turn me off this or that. But such is my personality so I tread lightly now. I have great respect for some of the members and mods here who are able to maintain a positive attitude and neutral reaction to some of the more blatant, repetitive trollery that goes on.

I'll try to post more pics of Aragorn once I check out some photo ref and get him geared up correctly. :)
Well, my Aragorn came with a broken wrist peg, which was super disappointing. I messaged Asmus on facebook, so hopefully something can be done.

I did take him out and look at him though, and I have to say, I'm pretty impressed other than the issue with the wrist. I was very nervous seeing some of the images that were floating around, but in hand, he looks great and he has a very impressive amount of accessories!
Huh. I thought I remember Asmus saying they were looking for the thinnest leather possible, which is what took so long with the outfit.

I could be wrong. I was paying so much attention to the face and getting pictures for you guys I neglected the outfitt completely. What ever it is, it feels very thin and delicate. I hope it is leather though. Mines gone back in the box however, it is a gift for the GF after all lol
I don't post much here anymore - I don't begrudge anyone their opinion, I'd just hate for someone to miss out on this excellent figure due to the prevalent "find a flaw and make it a chorus" attitude of the 1/6 internet community. For what it's worth, based on my own in-hand observations, Asmus' Aragorn is clearly the best 1/6 version of the character to date.

View attachment 225556

Definitely looks like Asmus wins the day right out the box. I think the sculpts, while both look good, have equally good and bad qualities about them. The ACI absolutely needs the hair futzed to look good.
Since this is the thread most people are in, just want to say that Weta's Black Friday sale is on and all their Dwarves are 48% off, amongst other things. I got 5 and I'm done with the set. :)
You're the second person to have them both and compare and pick the Asmus one. Not to make it company versus company but it's nice to hear after some of the comments about Asmus that have been posted. I don't have the ACI one but to my eye I like the look of the Asmus one better.

This pic shows VERY clearly how toyish the ACI sculpt is. The Asmus isnt perfect either, though. No definitive version here.
This is how my ACI Aragorn looks like right now. Maybe I'll get the Asmus one when all the mods for this version is done. ara2.jpg
for me the cloak material is too thick for the Asmus one. I do like the clothboots though.
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