Asmus Toys : Gandalf the Grey

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Loving the paint work. And the sculpt looks pretty good to my eye, too.

The hair needs more volume, though. And, obviously, that widows peak needs a lot of attention.

Did they say whether this pic is closer to the final figure?
The beard can use better paint. I don't think Asmus would put out a figure of this magnitude with hair like that, unless they were trying to go out of business.
Loving the paint work. And the sculpt looks pretty good to my eye, too.

The hair needs more volume, though. And, obviously, that widows peak needs a lot of attention.

Did they say whether this pic is closer to the final figure?

Per Asmus on Facebook today: "Hair and beard must in matching color. At moment, hair isn't done yet, and this is a paint sample."

I think we are on track for a very nice release here. I agree the hair needs more volume. :)
I think this release is turning out great so far....once they fix the hair line and change the beard paint it'll be awesome!
I need to see if I can cancel this without losing any money. I'm no longer going to preorder Asmus figures. Many of the issues on this figure that have been pointed out for months have gone unchanged. The original head sculpt looked great, and while I tend to like real hair, this looks pretty bad. I think Asmus has been rushing out too many figures and stopped listening to customer feedback. They also seem to be chasing after more licenses. A definite no-no. Maybe Asmus figures they can ride the completionism wave, but that can come back and bite them. I haven't ordered Pip and Merry because the head sculpts do not wow me. Star Ace seems to be in a similar situation with their Harry Potter line. You would think if they've got one of these top licenses, they'd focus on making a line of consistently great figures, as opposed to popping out two or three good ones, letting the quality drop and then start going after other licenses. Theses figures are too expensive and there are too many other choices out there to settle for a so-so product. For now I'll wait for in-hand reviews. This has really become a letdown. I'd be interested to see what Asmus's rep has to say.
When you have implanted hair, sculpted beard just screams "imperfection!!", especially when the beard's paintjob is so glossy.
I hate stitches being visible in outfits. They are not in real life, and when visible in 1/6 they totally break the sense of scale.
Sculpt is OK. Old gandalfian fella. Should do the trick.
You're never going to please everybody all the time, and there will always be elements that could have turned out better on just about any figure ... but all things considered ... I am pretty happy with what I'm seeing so far.

I'm impressed with the paint work on this and I'm very much hoping the hair ends up looking good. (Or at the very least, "not distracting.") Yes, I too wish they'd include the original sculpted head, but for whatever reason, that seems to be a non-starter. They seem to have moved on. So I won't pitch too much of a fit over it now.

At the end of the day, for me this is a significant upgrade over the Sideshow Gandalf the Grey that's currently on my shelf. So I, for one, will be happy to display him in my collection.
Have any of you had the chance to compare Medicom Maul's outfit with Sideshow Maul's?

When is the release of this figure again? I would gladly wait a little longer just for them to finetune some of the reasonable concerns of the collectors.
Sideshow has him listed as August. If that's accurate, I would expect to see him popping up elsewhere sometime in July.

That's assuming there aren't any delays, of course. Which is a big assumption. I've had significant delays with some of the figures in this line. But that's best guess at the moment.
Seems unlikely to me that this will ship in august, they seem to still be tweaking the prototype and we are two weeks from july.
While I know the horse if pretty much out of the barn, it would be great if Asmus could make the first head sculpt available separately. It would be a shame to see such a great sculpt scrapped. I'd pick up at least one if not two. I think ultimately Asmus's LotR line can still be an amazing collection, but for me personally it's going to require quite a bit of additional aftermarket investment to get it to the level I'm hoping for.
Mouth of Sauron is still shipping ahead of Gandalf... so August release seems optimistic. But you never know.

I personally like what I see so far. I don't plan on posing him without his hat, so I'm not too concerned with the hairline.

The promise of a finished Fellowship in 2016 is encouraging also.

Looking forward to Gimli and Legolas and Boromir and Frodo and Samwise. 6 months to go.