Wow...super disappointed in the final outcome of this. I know Gandalf is a book character, but since these are based off the films, it looks nothing like him. This figure just looks old and sickly, I couldn't imagine a Gandalf that looked like this fighting off the Balrog.
I had such high hopes for this figure. I was going to have this be the first LOTR figure in my collection and purchase everything Fellowship and Elf they put out afterwards, but this just casts doubt over doing that now. I had to cancel my preorder with Sideshow. I just can't see myself looking at this figure in my display case next to my nice Hot Toys and being happy with it. What a bummer.
I'll hope by the time they do Eomer, Faramir and Boromir they have the sculpting figured out, but until then, I'm going to have to wonder who signed off on this. Sorry to be a downer for those who like it, I just couldn't be more disappointed.