I'm interested in Gothmog as long as he is not wrapped in electrical tape
They wrap figures in electrical tape?
I'm interested in Gothmog as long as he is not wrapped in electrical tape
BBTS still says pre-order. But they tend to get things a bit later than other places.
Yeah, unfortunately anyone who gets their's from BBTS (me included) will never be first to post in hand pictures.
Yeah but its worth having the freedom to cancel the order if the first few reviews don't turn out well. Will be interesting to see Gothmog and the Witch King side by side.
Head sculpt looks great. Doesn't look like the quality suffered at all from prototype to release. That body looks horrible. Looks like a semi-articulated Ken body. Hopefully Asmus solves that problem soon.Heads up freaks.
he is broken down and on Evil bay as we speak/ read
interesting body , man they must pad him up a lot , the head looks great ( from what you can see )
Man, that looks awesome. Love the furry torso piece. LOVE the head! Perhaps not wholly accurate but beautifully nasty all the same.
This is going to look so good next to Witch-King.
WAIT.... he comes with a bloody Gondorian Corpse????
That is disgusting and amazing all at the same time! This addon was not on my radar at all... or I was just not paying attention.
And the head sculpt / paint looks spectacular!