Super Freak
I'm guessing that they will do a Gimli, Merry and Pippin if the line sticks it out for their total 5-year plan. Mixed in there will lilkely be lots of baddies including Mordor Orcs, uruks, Moria Goblins, etc.
What I am HOPING for is that the line is successful enough to justify a couple RE-DOs on Boromir and Legolas...
The COSTUMING for Boromir and Legolas from Sideshow are very good...but the head sculpt is what did these in...
What I am HOPING for is that the line is successful enough to justify a couple RE-DOs on Boromir and Legolas...
The COSTUMING for Boromir and Legolas from Sideshow are very good...but the head sculpt is what did these in...