I will only buy this if Inart doesn’t make Thranduil. I have a dozen Asmus LOTR and they are all decent, some better or worse. Galadriel was undersized and production suffered. Prologue elves have strange color fabric that doesn’t match source material but I still love them. Hobbits are fine, I managed to get the correct blue eyed non sickly Slim Frodo. Arwen looks great. I think Young Bilbo also looks fine.
Haldir and Thranduil I’ve been waiting for a long time as many know. Unfair though it may be, comparing Inart Thorin to Asmus there in completely different leagues. Same as comparing the derided HD Aragorn to Inart FOTR Aragorn. Looking back at my HD Legolas I can see the body proportions look wrong, a lot of Asmus LOTR figs also have gigantic hands that throw off the whole body.
I understand that thinking,
but my 2 cents on this issue [on Thranduil especially] is that:
1 - there are no guarantees Inart will do Thranduil, or if they do that it will be this specific Thranduil and not Thranduil in his armor. Yes I would argue Thranduil is one of the more memorable and better characters in the Hobbit Trrilogy but he is not a main character unlike Thorin, we are far more likely IMO to get Young Bilbo and that may well be it, especially considering the amount of licenses Inart have.
2 - time and price, the Inart Thranduil, if one ever gets made, will likely be many years into the future possibly as many as 5 considering that Inart have a more than 1+ year wait from when a figure is announced to when it is released to influencers then another 1 year wait to get to collectors. So if It was announced today we are talking 2 years from now, and lets be honest they are unlikely to announce their Thranduil any time soon when you consider they haven't even put up orders for Thorin yet and its very likely they will at least wait until they know if the Hobbit line is profitable or not before they put up another figure and possibly before they even work on the proto. Also keep in mind that some of their locked and loaded prototypes like the Harris Dumbledore haven't been put up for pre-order despite being put on display a year ago.
Meaning it will be a long wait for an Inart Thranduil.
Then there is price, with how high and how quickly Inart prices are rising its very likely that by the time Thranduil is made available for order, again assuming he happens at all, the figure may well be too expensive for most collectors to justify, which again begins to factor into the calculations of how likely he is to happen at all.
So, I know I am going to get this Asmus offering of Thranduil [unless the price is insane or something] and I may well get an Inart one in the future if its offered, but I would rather have a figure of him now rather than wait on uncertainties.
But thats just my opinion, you do whats best for you and your collection mate!