One thing that irritates the hell out of me is the inability to whistle to attract people. How the hell are you supposed to kill people from hiding places when they don't come anywhere close to them?
One thing that irritates the hell out of me is the inability to whistle to attract people. How the hell are you supposed to kill people from hiding places when they don't come anywhere close to them?
Yeah that is super annoying. I hate when game series do that, they leave out something from previous games. The Sims is the biggest culprit. The Expansion packs that come out for the Sims games, say there's 8-10 expansions, the next game in the series should have all that content as its base game and the dev should have to put out new content instead of the same **** again and again just to make a quick buck.
With Assassins Creed, things like the double assassin blade, hook blade, double swords, four guns etc should all be optional gear for your assassin. Instead we get a stripped down half a game
but as long as Sheeple keep shelling out for ****** games without demanding better of the developers, things like this wont happen, and that goes for pretty much everything these days
One thing that irritates the hell out of me is the inability to whistle to attract people. How the hell are you supposed to kill people from hiding places when they don't come anywhere close to them?
Yeah, I found it oddly bizarre that it was removed...I think whistling to lure has been around since AC1 (though I could be wrong and maybe it was AC2, foggy memory)...
I don't mind not having double blades or two swords or four guns, each "assassin" is unique and different so it's nice to see the return of just one blade. You still can efficiently do double assassinations...
Wow. That's depressing that this game is so horribly plagued. I've been itching to play this one, but I think I'll wait until it's $20 before taking a chance. Hopefully the patches will have it fixed by then .
Wow. That's depressing that this game is so horribly plagued. I've been itching to play this one, but I think I'll wait until it's $20 before taking a chance. Hopefully the patches will have it fixed by then .
Ill play this game again when when it decides to give me the glitched chest in the Arsenal district and the Versailles achievement. Versailles is 100% but it never popped. So screw Ubi. when it comes to this game.
This game has so many bugs its not even funny. The fact that you cant even run around without having a bug free incident is almost impossible. Compared to black flag this game is a joke. Ubisoft is turning out to be one of the worst mainstream game developers for this year.
I Agree Ubisoft is the worst Company this year "even though it's my favorite", took the title proudly from EA after the mess that is Watch Dogs & Unity . (even though PC ppl got the worse deal of all)
I'm having a hard time playing this game. The framerate drop is very noticeable ( unacceptable for new gen consoles) and the story is meh.The gameplay feels very clunky sometimes. Maybe i need a break on this franchise.
A reboot would be more than welcome ( Mechanics,collectables and story)
I'm having a hard time playing this game. The framerate drop is very noticeable ( unacceptable for new gen consoles) and the story is meh.The gameplay feels very clunky sometimes. Maybe i need a break on this franchise.
A reboot would be more than welcome ( Mechanics,collectables and story)
a reboot wold be ideal(maybe Templars Creed or something since they seem more like the good guys anyway) but I have no faith in Ubi***** anymore, they are just another profit over substance company now. If they stopped being so greedy and took some time to make each game(2 years min), then maybe it wouldnt suck so bad.
Story is the main complaint I have with the recent games, but less so the writing(still bad) or plot(not great either) but the way it plays out on screen, skipping years at a time and not fully fleshing out scenes or characters, there is essentially no fluidity to the story, it seems like all these unnecessary characters would pop out of nowhere and it didnt make sense
Ill play this game again when when it decides to give me the glitched chest in the Arsenal district and the Versailles achievement. Versailles is 100% but it never popped. So screw Ubi. when it comes to this game.
It should be working now. There was a companion app update yesterday that SEEMS to have fixed everything. Turn it on, then turn on the game for the full sync to occur.
It's pretty stupid they locked all the Legendary gear behind stupid "Club Competitions". A feature that isn't even DONE YET and probably will take longer to finish since they've had to switch to fixing all the bugs on the game and their Initiates & Companion App. BS.
The companion app. seems to be working fine for me but Initiates is buggy again after working fine for a little while. It's back to the blank profile. UPlay seems to work ok.
I've completed the game and done all the Paris stories, but on the map it says various areas still have those missions left to do while on the progress tracker it says I only have one left to do
A Preview of Patch 4 will be up next week, from the looks of it, it's gonna be an optimization Patch "Frame rate Fixes", don't know what else, we'll see ..
A Preview of Patch 4 will be up next week, from the looks of it, it's gonna be an optimization Patch "Frame rate Fixes", don't know what else, we'll see ..
I'm actually quite enjoying the game and think it's way better than 4 even In the buggy state its in right now
I've been replaying the missions and actually quite like the story now I'm following it better. Playing the memories back after completing it and not having the long in between bits makes it flow much better, but I suppose it should do that off the bat
It's more about him and her and his feeling for her than it is about the Assassins and Templars though, I really like them as characters too, I don't think it's as boring as it keeps being made out, I'd like to see another game with Arno maybe see what happened after. The duration you follow Arno is relatively short if you think about the times most of the game is happen
It's obvious the focus was on the co-op but it's not bad by a long shot. Most the missions are enjoyable, the combat is basic again but they are at least much harder to kill, although as stupid if not more when not in combat and very little of the boring tailing missions everyone hated
It's buggy but easily playable buggy, I honestly think that although the AC games aren't and probably won't go back to ACII glory, but call me crazy cuz it wasn't a bad game
i actually felt pretty sorry for him at the end, the letter left too helped put perspective on the plot and where it was coming from