I've only just started posting in this thread. You seem to have had a good run. No, I'm not in agreement. I have nothing against you except you daring me to suggest anything. Much of what you or anyone is saying is just repetition, from both sides. I don't really think I have made my opinion clear, even to myself. Blame??? Not sure what you're getting at here, but yeah, a little taking of responsibility wouldn't go astray.Skewed toward a negative outcome? I agree to hold off posting any more for a few days to let this thread digest a little, but don't you dare suggest we who have voiced our opinion and vented a little are to blame for this mess.
You have made your opinion very clear as well. I don't see any more need for either of us to keep going. I hold off, you hold off. Agreed?
All I'm doing is adding an opposing view. Not trying to say my view is the correct one. There's enough people spreading fear and I don't want to buy into that. I have enough crap going on in my life, so I'm trying to add a bit of positivity and hope. No, it doesn't make up for the dollars, but without a response from Chris, for whatever reason, it's all hypothetical.I hope you are right, and Chris was just waiting to get all the painted heads finished so he could send out all the unpainted and painted heads at the same time. That would be fair enough. Some communication of such a plan would have been nice, but I am willing to accept the above scenario.
Point is, we can make up all the fancy scenarios we want. It doesn't change the fact that I paid over $200 to someone who is now ignoring me, and I am not alone. That is the root of this thread.
Didn't someone say that even though they're for sale on ebay, that none have been sold as yet, or at least no one has posted feedback, so I dare say none have been sent, and there'll be a few ebay disputes and claims being made in due course, should they not turn up.his is getting tough. Seeing his heads on ebay is disappointing.
Okay then what do you suggest KBA? It's like saying this sucks. It adds nothing to the thread. If you want to hang the guy without a trial so be it. What can we do? It's probably too long to be getting a claim from paypal or your credit provider. Don't rightly know about laws in your country, but small claims tribunals will rule he should pay but are toothless tigers when it comes time to enforce the ruling. So what then? Individual claims through law enforcement agencies, or a mass civil law suit perhaps? Who wants to step up to the plate with suggestions or how we ought to go about this? Action speaks louder than words. What action is anyone willing to take?
I'm certainly not blaming you for fear mongering 49. Not as an individual anyway. There's more than you spreading fear in here. I want to reiterate It's like a herd of cattle. Spook one and the fear spreads, as it has. Soon comes the stampede, or has it already started?
Are we just waiting for Chris to respond? Then everyone has to wait, and people don't like waiting, but that's what everyone involved in any commission has to do, and be able to bear the pressure that involves. Some have the patience to wait, however long it takes, but I do agree, we need Chris to be proactive. Doing so, over several commissions isn't really viable. At least that's one of the positives of this thread. He can do it under the one umbrella. Come on Chris. We're all waiting on you here.
I can only say this when it comes to customs. I am not doubting any of the others. But there are only two people on THIS board that I would let work on stuff for a year and have faith in them that it would be completed. That is Les and Josh. Anyone else I apologize but I just couldn't do it.![]()
You guys need to remember that Chris has always come through in the past. And all of his posts leading up to his disapearance had nothing in them leading me to believe he was just going to leave us all high and dry.
My personal feeling is that something has happened to Chris. Anything from just his computer crashing to him being injured. In any case, I doubt most people make it a priority to let the online community know if they've been hurt or that their computer died. I know I wouldn't at least. I'm sure I'm not the only one with a life outside of the board.
So lets continue to give Chris the benefit of the doubt. There are a million reasons why he isn't responding right now, but I think he will when he gets a chance.
Where is the evidence that he isn't going to deliver the work that has been paid for?
Where was there any time/deadline guarantee posted anywhere?
I'd be all for a lot of these posts (and worse!) once non-delivery is a proven thing, but until then, again . . . I just don't see the purpose of a lot of this.
Besides venting I suppose.![]()
I am still giving Chris the benefit of the doubt. I only dealt with Chris in the House thread and everything seemed to go smoothly.
I know how commission work can and does take time and I dont like putting pressure on artists.
I hope Chris can clear everything up and make good on any deals where money traded hands.