Authentic "The Joker" autograph signed by Heath Ledger

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It gets a bit old though. Seems like every other day there is someone here making a SHOCKING or 'over the line' remark to show how funny they are or just to cause a ruckus.

Anywhoo, totally agree on the diary thing. Would love to see it, but would be best not too. Should be kept private to Heath and would not want to ruin thr image of it in my mind.
yeah, I ain't against dark humor. I personally think its a bit obvious in most cases and there for not very clever. But I'm not trying to tell anyone what to say or do. I also find paul lynde to be hilarious, so don't friggin listen to me.
No. ut if anybody is interested I have hired a professional autograph hunter who has connections all over the world to other autograph collectors (its a pretty awesome scene... everyone seems to know each other which is the most important as fakes are running wild, nothing compared to our anonymous figure collecting scene)... I asked him for 3 autographs (Cesar Romero/ Jack Nicholson/ Heath Ledger) and for now he only found Jack but I did not like the cards. He assumes that there is - attention - NO Joker card signed by Heath that is authentic and for sale.
NO Joker card signed by Heath that is authentic and for sale.

I recall a picture of Heath-Joker in the interrogation room signed by him being sold through a charity before his passing. Didn't sell for too much considering how much it'd be worth today. Or am I dreaming that up? I saw it on BOF if I saw it at all.
Depends if you collect autographs for your own sake or for making money by selling them. Personally I collect because I think it's awesome to have.